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Posted on Fri Jul 15th, 2011 @ 11:15pm by Lieutenant Commander Tara Neniphim & Captain Anna Johnson

563 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Winds of Change
Location: Anna's Office
Timeline: Current


Tara had left the meeting with the Captain, thinking. She had done much with her life, and it was time that she put that to good use. "I need to talk to Johnson," she said to herself.

Anna was in her office reading the departmental reports that were coming in and sending back request for improvements and training as needed.

Checking the computer for where the other Captain was, Tara started moving that way, attempting to get to the womans office before she left on another Command mission or something of the like. She didn't have to push very hard, most people were scuttling out of her way, and it made her wonder why.

Stepping up to the office, she noticed no Yeoman, and hit the door chime, hoping that she wasn't too late to meet the woman.

Anna moved another PADD to the finished pile and looked toward the door. "Come in," She said as she picked up her isolated mug and took a sip of coffee.

Captain," Tara said walking in, and stiffly saluting the woman. "I wanted to come and make my presence known."

"I had received notice that you were back on the station though I do appreciate you coming by all the same." Anna said.

"I didn't get a chance to meet you before I went to help the Marines either Captain, and I appologise," she said, still holding the salute. She'd hold it all day if she had to. "It was an over sight."

Anna blinked as the woman held the salute. She wasn't use to this but decided to return the salute as it was. "Is there anything I can do for you?" She asked.

"No Ma'am, I was hoping that perhaps there was something I could do for you though." Tara looked dead ahead, still at a rigid stance. While she may hate the Military as a whole, she refused to put it to shame.

Anna studied the woman, "At ease Commander, relax a bit." She said, "At the moment I'm not sure what I can have you do. Then main thing is to make sure that the flight control group is ready to go out at a moments notice. You never know when they will be needed."

"They're ready," Tara said looking at Anna. "They're more than ready, and just an hour ago, we just got done with a readiness drill. The report should be coming into you and Captain Hawkins at any time."

"Sounds good, once I read it I will let you know if there are any concerns." Anna said, "Though I don't foresee any issues you have proven yourself more than competent." She added with a smile.

"I would hope so Ma'am, I was trained to be brutally efficient." She was still staring straight ahead, relax wasn't a word in her command vocabulary. "Over many many years."

The stiffness of this officer was making Anna nervous she had tried all she knew to get the woman to not stand so stiffly. "Very well then unless you have any other questions for me you are dismissed." She said.

Tara saluted sharply, turning on her heel and walking from the office. It had been a better meeting than she thought. "We'll be talking again soon I'm sure."

Captain Anna Johnson
Executive Officer
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant Commander Tara Neniphim
Wing Commander
Starbase Typhon


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