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Posted on Fri Sep 30th, 2011 @ 11:57pm by Commander Raven Adams

651 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Orbital Yard Project Athena I
Location: Typhon


The first thing Raven did when the Khellian arrived at Typhon was help Khiy secure a repair team. The second was to find Skylar.

Skylar smiled, ever so slightly, when he saw Raven. Sirgei nodded.

"Lyra, let's take a quick lunch." Sirgei said, taking the ditzy blonde out of the area.

When they were alone, Raven hugged Skylar. "Hi, stranger."

Skylar nodded. "It has been some time. You were missed."

"We went to Yerdi space. I couldn't tell you at the time as it was top secret. Captain Hawkins wanted us to have a look at what was going on there." She sighed. "I don't blame them for leaving."

Skylar shook his head. "I said you were missed." He said, as he replaced a strand of Raven's hair which had run astray. "I did not say I required an explanation. You are an intelligence officer. There are things we will not be able to discuss. That is understood."

"I know you didn't ask," she said gently. "I choose to tell you. I can now that I'm back." She kissed him briefly before hugging him again. "I hear that Yerdi ship have already caused trouble. I'm afraid more may follow. We sent another refugee ship this way," she added by way of explanation.

"Wonderful." Skylar said. "More things to fix, that I don't have staff for."

"Sorry. It wasn't planned."

Skylar shook his head. "It was not your doing. I am simply glad you are well. The rest, we will solve, in time."

"All problems can be solved with a sufficient application of time."

Skylar quirked an eyebrow, and simply drew Raven close. "You were missed." He repeated quietly.

"As were you," she, too, repeated. She leaned closer and kissed him. She felt the stress of the past few days melt away now that she was back with Skylar. "So, what trouble have you been up to while I've been gone?"

"Largely? Trying to restrain my 'obtained' new staff from murdering one Captain T'Yuna, of the Starfleet Corps of Engineers." Skylar said, with a raised eyebrow. "It has been... trying."


"Captain T'Yuna's enlistment protocols are..." Skylar fumbled for an appropriate word. "Unique, and unexpected."

What he didn't say spoke volumes. Especially to his bondmate. Raven raised an eyebrow. "I'm not sure if I'm impressed or appalled."

"Miss Atwood would definitely fall into the later." Skylar said, dryly.

"I'm sure Captain Hawkins loves the idea of reactivating former Starfleet officers. How many have been reactivated so far?"

"Perhaps half a dozen." Skylar said, with a slight frown. "Most of them are... not pleased about."

Raven shook her head. "I wish you luck. I'm just glad Intelligence isn't involved in any of this."

Skylar nodded. "As I understand it, you have been busy enough." He said, with a warm smile. "I am glad to have you safe again." He added, softly.

Raven hugged Skylar again. "I'm glad to be safe again. And to be back with you." She leaned back and looked him in the eye. "How is Captain Hawk?"

"I have not had opportunity to discuss much with him. He seems to be preoccupied somewhere. I would go so far as to say, perhaps, that he simply vanished." Skylar said, with a quirked eyebrow.

Raven nodded. "He hasn't called me to his office. I must admit, until he does, I'm happy to do my job and send him reports." She paused to smile at Skylar again. "Dinner tonight?"

Skylar nodded. "It has been too long, for my tastes, since we last did that."

"It's been far too long for ... a great many things," she quipped. 'Tonight, I want to make up for a number of them."

She gave him another hug. "I'll let you get back to work. See you tonight!"


Lieutenant Commander Skylar
Chief Engineer
Starbase Typhon

Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer
Starbase Typhon


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