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A Casual Meeting

Posted on Wed Sep 14th, 2011 @ 11:23pm by Lieutenant JG Jane Porter & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg

754 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Orbital Yard Project Athena I
Location: Arboretum


Jane was finally done putting the arboretum to rights. The tree house looked magnificent and the trees were now looking green and healthy.

She sat on a wooden swing near the tree house, enjoying a few moments of relaxation before she started pruning the roses.

Wilhelm walked into the arboretum breathing in deeply the fresh air. As a marine Wilhelm loved the outdoors even if it was simulated. Taking a side path, Wilhelm marvelled at the gardens and and trees. A little bit farther along the path he seen a massive Oak tree with what actually looked like a bonafide tree house in it. Walking up he spotted a women, smeared with dirt, on a wooden swing. "Beautiful in here isn't it?" Wilhelm asked politely.

"Yes, it is," she replied, smiling happily. "I haven't seen you in here before. But then, I'm fairly new. I'm Jane Porter, by the way."

Wilhelm made a curt bow, "I am Wilhelm Baron von Hackleburg. Welcome to Typhon. What, may I ask, do you do here?"

"Thank you," Jane said, bowing slightly from her swing. "I take care of the arboretum." SHe waved her arm to indicate the room at large. "And what do you do here?"

"I command the Marine Regiment here." Wilhelm paused then continued. "I really like what you have done with the place." Wilhelm said with a touch of amazement. "Those dahlias I seen on the way in were exquisite. They would do very well at the Chelsea Flower Show back on Earth. Your own blend?"

Jane smiled. "Thank you very much. Yes, it is. I have a back room where I work on different flower hybrids. Do you grow flowers yourself?"

"Not usually no. My mother used to have enormous beautiful beds back home."

"Oh? And where is home?" Jane asked, curious.

"A little estate outside of Frankfurt, Germany on Earth. How about yourself?" Wilhelm asked.

"A little north of London, England." She smiled broady. "We're practically neighbors." Her smile faded and she looked horrified. "I forgot my manners. Would you like to sit down?"

"Yes I think I will." Wilhelm said taking the other swing. "I thought I noticed a little bit of a Londoner accent. Not near as strong as the CMO's." Wilhelm said with a laugh. "So what else do you plan for the arboretum? Seasonal things, different types of gardens?"

"Seasonal, definitely. I love Christmas, so I want to do some decorating. Maybe some fairy lights. Halloween might be fun, too." She smiled at the Major. "Later I'll probably change things up a bit. If I do it too much I risk angering the people in Operations."

Wilhelm chuckled, "Some of those people in Operations definitely give the term 'hell hath no fury...' a different spin. Though Halloween would be fun. The section of the arboretum that has those weeping willows and moss trees, the Louisiana section, i call it would work perfectly. Adjust the environmental controls for a little bit of thick, ground fog for the perfect ambiance..."

Jane stopped swinging and thought for a moment. "I like that idea. A little mood music, some will-o-the-wisp's. It could be quite interesting."

"Maybe replicate some old headstones, a decrepit picket fence... I have to say Halloween may be my favorite holiday." Wilhelm said.

Jane smiled. "Yes. That would look nice. With proper epitaphs. What else do you suggest?" This was sounding like a lot of fun.

Wilhelm shrugged, "Maybe Ops would let a temporary structure be built. A haunted house of sorts for the station's children."

"You know, there's an empty office down the way. That could make a grand haunted house. How would you like to help me set it up?"

"I would love to. Always good to entertain the kids and young adults. I might also know a few Marines who could help out with it as well along with its operation... I think one of them has a genuine chain-saw too..." Wilhelm said with a sly smile. "Care to go grab a cup of tea and discuss this further?" Wilhelm asked.

"I'd be delighted," Jane said, her smile brightening. Tea was a necessity in her life and she seldom had the opportunity to take tea with a delightful gentleman.

"Well," Wilhelm said getting off a swing, "Let's go see what we can find." Wilhelm said and held out his hand to help Jane off her swing.


Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleburg
CO, 21st Marines
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant JG Jane Porter
Starbase Typhon


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