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Back on Duty

Posted on Wed Oct 5th, 2011 @ 6:14pm by Lieutenant Commander Tara Neniphim

297 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Orbital Yard Project Athena I
Location: Fighter Bay One
Timeline: Current


Tara, crisp, clean, and once again under control of her life, marched with a purpose. Her father had done something stupid, and now that she had gone, seen her little sister, Zen, and come home, she was once again on active duty. She had 'gone native' as one of her Marine friends, a Major Hanaj Jo'Rek had said when he saw her as she was passing through on her way back to Typhon.

Now that she was back, her quarters once again in pristine condition, it was time to look in on her pilots. Her absense had been sudden, something that she hadn't wanted. Walking forward to her bay, the doors slid open, and everything was silent. Creasing her brow, she looked around, and everything was so silent, she could actually hear the power core of the star base. Something wasn't right. She had elft Ensign Ja-Brail in charge, a Bajoran refugee that had joined starfleet after running to DS9.

Walking to the Squad room, it was deserted and dusty. Looking to the right, her experimental vessel, that she had been waiting for someone to clear for its flight, still stood in the same spot and nothing was taken apart. Looking around again, she sighed and shook her head.

"Computer, locate pilots of Starbase Typhon." The Computer took almost three seconds to locate them all, and it even sounded a little condensending when it answered.

"All active pilots are in their personal quarters. The time is currently 0200 hours." Tara sighed and shook her head. Even the Engineers that she had for her wing would be alseep. Throwing up her hands in disgust, she walked out, looking for a shop that might be open to eat something.


Lieutenant Commander Tara Misu Neniphim
Wing Commander
Starbase Typhon.


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