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Running the Runnymede

Posted on Thu Oct 6th, 2011 @ 6:38am by Lieutenant Commander Carter Rotrov & Captain Anna Johnson & Commander Krang Darkmoon & Commander Raven Adams

1,011 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Winds of Change

It had been a long time since Anna had gotten to actually fly and she was itching to get in the pilots seat. Therefore as soon as she arrived she started the preflight checks so they were ready to go as soon as the others arrived.

Krang arrived on the bridge and saw a skeleton crew hurrying to and fro getting prepared for launch.

Carter walked onto the bridge of the Runnymede shortly after Commander Darkmoon. "Commander, Captain..."

This was going to prove interesting. Here on the Runnymede Krang was in charge. This ship had been given to be under his command for away missions. Anna smiled she was just glad to be getting off the station for a while.

Stations all around the bridge start to report ready for launch. Krang smiled a little and said, "Captain Johnson, contact the station and request clearance to depart. Once received, set course out of the docking area at one quarter impulse."

"Aye sir," Anna said and once she had clearance guided the ship out of the station. She was grinning from ear to ear as they moved away from the station.

The engineer moved over to the tactical station. "Commander, I've brought the weapons systems online. They should be operational by the time we exit the docking doors."

"Excellent." Krang replied simply.

Anna guided the ship out and cleared the station. She kept the ship at impulse speeds while they were in the shipping lanes and set the course and awaited the command for faster speed.

As they cleared the station, Krang nodded. "Set intercept course, best speed, and engage when ready."

Once they had cleared the traffic zone as well Anna increased speed, having already set the course as they moved into position. "Course set sir," Anna said.

Carter watched as the Runnymede moved into position between the base and the Yerdi ships holding position. "Passive target lock achieved. We're ready at your order Commander."

"Switch to active targeting. Take out weapons and propulsion. I want to let them know very clearly that firing on my station is a bad idea."

"Active target lock..." Rotrov pressed a few buttons. "Confirmed. Weapons are hot."

"Fire at will. Well, not at Will, he didn't do anything wrong. Fire at them." Krang said, gesturing toward the view screen and laughing lightly at the really bad joke.

Shaking his head, Rotrov activated the primary phaser array. The beam hit the lead Yerdi ship, causing explosions in the hull plating. "One disabled Sir, two more to go but they're running, taking shots at the smaller Yerdi ship they chased in."

"Captain Johnson, put us between them and the smaller ship. Rotrov, maintain target lock."

"Aye sir," Anna maneuvered the ship into position and prepared for evasive maneuvers if needed.

Carter readjusted the lock. "I've still got them Commander. Firing phasers." He looked up from his position as the two cruisers continued firing in the direction of the smaller ship. "Adjusting beam intensity..." As Carter increased the beam intensity, the ship he was firing on exploded, apparently it's core breaching under the pressure.

"Damn!" Krang shouted. "What the hell did you do?" he asked, turning to Rotrov.

"I fired on them." Rotrov shrugged. "If I were guessing they had their shields tied into their core distribution..."

Krang shook his head, "I'm not an engineer, but even I know that's stupid. Hail the lead ship, maybe they'll stand down now."

Carter nodded. "On screen."

"Yerdi vessel, This is Commander Krang Darkmoon aboard the Federation Starship Runnymeade. You have fired on a Federation station unprovoked and then fired on another vessel in Federation space. Stand down now and prepare to be towed in. You will not be given another warning."

[Yerdi ship]

Baratok sat in the command chair. The infidels defending the rebels would not be allowed a victory. "Ramming speed," he said to his helmsman. "If we can't out shoot them, we'll destroy them some other way."

The helmsman nodded. Death before dishonor. He turned the ship and accelerated towards the Runnymede.


Krang saw the Yerdi ship turn toward them. The sensors started beeping frantically across the bridge.

The helmsman spoke, "Sir, I can't believe I'm saying this, but it looks like they're on a ramming course and they're picking up speed."

"Emergency separation!" Krang shouted. "Take us to MVA mode!"

There was a new alarm that filled the air and within 90 seconds, the Runnymeade split into three distinct pieces, all moving away from the Yerdi on slightly different vectors.

[Yerdi ship]

Baratok's eyes widened and he uttered a series of imprecations. "They're demons. Leave them and destroy the rebel scum."

The helmsman veered off and made a beeline for the small rebel ship.

The second Yerdi ship turned tail and ran.

[Runnymede Bridge]

"Sir it looks like they gave up on us and are going after the other ship again." Anna stated also running scans. "How do you want to proceed?"

"Get at least one of our sections between then and the smaller ship. I know it's difficult, but try to fire to disable the Yerdi vessel."

"Yes sir," Anna said as she started the evasive maneuvers needed to get in position.

Tactical announced that they were firing phasers, set to seventy percent power.

The impact opened a tear in the Yerdi ship, but emergency force fields erupted to cover it quickly.

"They are breaking off their attack, Sir. They are veering away..." there was a delay as if he were about to say something else, then he continued, "...and they've gone to warp. Heading estimated to be back to Yerdi space."

"Excellent." Krang said with a nod of his head. "Recollect the other two sections, hail the Rebel vessel, and lay in a course for Typhon."

Anna was relieved that things went as well as they did. Things could have been much worse.


Captain Anna Johnson
Executive Officer
Starbase Typhon

Commander Krang Darkmoon
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant Commander Carter Rotrov
Runnymede XO and Chief Engineer
Starbase Typhon

Yerdi crew


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