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Promotions and New Positions

Posted on Sun Oct 9th, 2011 @ 7:00pm by Captain Anna Johnson

260 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Orbital Yard Project Athena I
Location: XO's Office

Anna was working her way through the stack of PADDs on her desk when she received notice of an incoming message. She set the PADD down and tapped the command that would open the file.

She stared at it and blinked a few times. It seemed that Admiral James was on her way there with the Alabama. Due to personal reasons she was taking some time off and as soon as the Alabama arrived Captain Johnson would be taking over as her Commanding officer.

She continued reading and a smile came over her face when she saw who her XO was and why she had been chosen for the position. "I haven't seen Kaarg in ages." She thought out loud.

She set up a meeting with the Commanding officer she would have to get her and her sister set up in guest quarters until the Alabama arrived so that the new XO could move into hers. She also had to talk to her sister. With the move her sister may want to apply for early admission into the academy. Though she would love to have her come with her to the ship she would let her decide.

This was a lot to take in all at once and she had a lot to do. She looked at the time and let out a sigh. Most of what was left to do could wait until morning. Shutting down her terminal Anna headed out of the office to talk to Jana and hopefully soon to talk to the CO of the station.


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