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Days of Leisure, part 3

Posted on Sun Oct 30th, 2011 @ 7:44am by Commander Raven Adams & Alvar Walder

1,256 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Orbital Yard Project Athena I
Location: Oriental Tea Room, Typhon



"Traditional tea is traditional. I get you green tea. I not know what to recommend. I not know what you like to eat. Why everyone expect Aeshia to know what they want to eat?" Aeshia asked, as she headed off to go brew the tea.


When the tea lady was gone, Sam looked at Curzon. "Now I know. Don't ask for suggestions." She grinned. "So, what are you in the mood for?"

'I don't know ... something Asian. Sushi maybe?' Bennett smiled. The serving lady was a little odd, he had to admit. 'What do you fancy?'

"Besides you?" she teased. "Well, I've never had sushi. This might be a good place to try it."

The back of Bennett's neck reddened in embarrassment at the comment. It always happened. 'Well, sushi it is then. You'll have to try the California roll. Very good.'

"Okay. As soon as our hostess returns, we can ask her about California rolls."

Aeshia returned to the table, and carefully placed both tea cups, before offering the pot to Sam. "Would you care to pour?" The translator said, though the English translation was off.

"Yes, thank you," Sam said, bowing to Aeshia. "We would also like an order of California rolls."

'And some other Sushi too,' added Bennett with a smile, 'do you do a taster platter by any chance?' If Sam had not had Sushi before, he really wanted her to try as wide a variety as possible.

Aeshia scowled. "I go tell Sushi guy." She muttered, and left.

When the tea lady again departed, Sam began to pour the tea. "Do you know in many cultures it's still appropriate for the woman to pour tea for her man and serve him -- at least ritualistically?"

'I did not,' Bennett smiled, though he hardly knew what to make of the comment. He put it down to conversation, 'so who still does this, and why do they do it?' Smiling he leaned forward on his elbows and watched her pour. She was always graceful with her movements.

"It's common in Asian cultures on earth. A woman pours tea for the man she wants to impress to show him her domestic side. Well, it's more complicated than that, and more ritualistic, but you get the idea." She handed him a cup of tea. "You already know my skills aren't that great." She grinned as she poured her own cup. "So, I'm basically saying hands off, he's mine."

'Ah, I see,' grinned Bennett, 'well, it looks like you're scaring them off quite well - they can definitely see that there's no competition when it comes to you.'

"Yeah, I'm no competition," Sam agreed, deliberately misunderstanding his words. She passed him a plate of pastries.

Bennett pulled a tongue at her, knowing she was joking around. It felt good that they could do that, tease one another. 'So, got any plans for later on today?' he asked as he took a pastry and a bite.

"I have my eye on this incredible Captain," she teased back. "I've discovered where his quarters are. I may just show up and see what happens."

'Well, I'm sure that lucky Captain is in for a whale of a time,' replied Bennett.

A man approached. He set the tray of various sushi types down, between the two, and bowed quickly. He then departed.

Sam looked at the tray, then to Curzon. "Okay, what are each of these?"

He looked at the tray for a moment, before pointing to one, 'that's a California Roll, my favourite. Do you want to try one?' He began preparing the experience, squeezing out the wasabi paste, setting out the ginger slices (though he did not much care for them) and squirting the soy sauce into the little container on the side. 'Then there's tuna rolls, some unagi. Yes, quite a selection!' declared Bennett, quite happy. 'And the tea goes perfectly with it!'

"Yes. Just tell me what to try and how," she said, watching him prepare the sauces. "I put myself in your capable hands." She smiled happily, ready for a new adventure.

'Well, you can try them in any order you like,' said Bennett reaching out and passing her a pair of chopsticks. 'You might want to build up to the Unagi though it's quite ... unique.' He grasped a tuna roll, dipped it in the soy then the wasabi paste and held it in front of Sam, 'take it.'

Sam took a bite and blinked. The wasabi paste was not what she expected. She took a second bite and smiled. "Not bad at all."

'The wasabi paste is good isn't it? A kick to it.' Bennett smiled as he prepared his own and ate a California roll. 'Really good,' he nodded.

"It is. It's quite unique," she said, taking another bite. "I like it."

'I'm glad,' smiled Bennett, taking another one of the rolls. 'It's quite a western collection, but it's very, very nice.' He looked at the Unagi. 'Want to try some? It's cooked in teriyaki sauce, so you shouldn't need anything else with it.'

"If you recommend it, I'll give it a go," she said, taking a sip of her tea to wash down the flavor of the other dish.

'I've not had it before,' confessed Bennett. 'You're going to be my guinea pig in this experiment,' he laughed.

She took a bite and paused. It was a bit rubbery. She chewed a few more times and swallowed. "Okay. Your turn." She kept her face neutral to gage his reaction.

He took a portion of the unagi and stripped it of the rice. Bennett chewed it delicately. The teryiaki was as sweet as it should be, and perfectly covered the taste of the eel. It was however ... chewy. He swallowed, then leaned forward, 'that's not my favourite I have to confess.' A swallow of tea soon put him to rights.

Sam giggled. "Good. We're in agreement. But the other is nice." She tried another sample. She continued to try the various types of sushi, drinking her tea between each sample.

Finally she sat back. "That was actually quite nice."

'It was good, wasn't it?' replied Bennett as he slumped slightly in his chair, rubbing his belly. Another cup of tea fortified him. 'I'm glad you liked it.' He felt it important that they could bot share in each other's interests and likes, and discover new ones together. It was common sense really, it refreshed their relationship in small, constant ways. 'You should take me to a place that does the kind of food you like next time.'

"I'll look around and see what I find," she promised." Now, how about we go for a walk and work off some of this food?" She gave him an impish grin. "Otherwise, I'm likely to go back to our room and ... sleep it off."

He smiled, 'a walk sounds good right about now - how about one of the arboretums?' Bennett patted his stomach, 'I don't think I'm up to anything more active just now.'

"Sounds great. I haven't been to all of them yet." As they walked out of the tea shop Sam waved goodbye to the tea lady.


Captain Curzon Bennett
Commanding Officer
USS Jefferson

Commander Samantha York
Executive Officer
USS Jefferson

Aeshia Dew
Oriental Tea Room
Starbase Typhon


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