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Attention All Typhon Department Heads

Posted on Sat Jan 9th, 2010 @ 9:56pm by Commodore Edward Fannin

249 words; about a 1 minute read

Location: Intel Briefing has been downloaded to you Padds
Timeline: Current


Members of the Damron Group have arrived Starbase Typhon. I strongly urge all senior Staff and crew to take extreme caution around members of this Organization. Since their arrival they have remained in the VIP section of the Starbase as instructed by Captain Fannin but they will soon venturing out.

The Damrons are a religious sect of Wiccans/Pagans who have several hidden agendas. The group here is a highly trained staff of Forgers, crooked Attorneys and blackmailers. They are master manipulators and will stop at nothing to gain information, followers and or anything else they think is of value to them. Events surrounding this Sect include Murder, grand theft and high crimes against the Federation under the guise of religious freedom. The group will be here to look for a colonization area in the nearby Tiberius system.

Starfleet intel has not been able to position any agents inside this group. We have 40 Damrons on board. They have been scanned into the intel database as they arrived. Among them are a few totally unknown subjects with completely false identities. They are suspected mercenaries hired by the group.

Due to their success of Blackmailing and extortion of Federation high level members, this group has a lot of political power. Advise all crew of the dangers of personal contact with any of it's members. If a contact is made notify Your superior Officer immediately.


Rear Admiral Nickolas Stone
Theta Fleet Intel Chief
USB Typhon


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