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The Morgan Show

Posted on Sat Jan 9th, 2010 @ 8:57pm by Commodore Edward Fannin

361 words; about a 2 minute read

Location: Main Terminal, dock 40
Timeline: Current


Fannin and Yeoman James along with several staff adjutants were standing at the bottom of the tunnel at Dock 40. Fannin had been briefed of what would happen next and wasn't looking forward to it at all. Having passed through the customs inspections which had taken several hours The vessel was docked and it's doors opened at the opposite end of the ramp. Then the sound of music and chimes of all types could be heard....

Soon the show began with several Media types exiting the ship and setting up in the reception area right behind Fannin and company. Next as the music stopped Three presumed Pagan wise men came out chanting and tossing some type of shiny confetti as they walked towards the Captain. After Ten minutes of chants they stepped aside yelling back that the Typhon had been cleaned and purged of any Evil Elemental beings..

The music continued again as loud trumpets announcing the presence of Morgan.

As Morgan entered the ramp the media started taking pictures, she was dressed in a Scarlet Full length gown her hair adorned with a ring of white flowers, the trumpets were blasting now drowning out all sound in the tunnel. The wise men fell to their knees and tossed for confetti mumbling about the power of Their Goddess Morgan...

She was as beautiful ans a Human woman could be. If you have the Money you can become everything a man would desire.. Fannin was tired of the Trumpets.

Morgan came close to him and stopped ,all sound stopped as she smiled showing a perfect set of insanely white teeth.

Captain Fannin smiled... "Welcome Morgan to Starbase Typhon."

She raised her arm and opened her hand wide, "I hereby bless this creature and give him the immortal strength of Damron!"

Fannin just stood there, "Gee thanks Morgan. If your done here my staff will show you to your quarters. I hope they will suit you and your court."

Morgan Smiled her blessing gave, she would follow the Adjutants to her billet and plan her next move on Fannin and this crew of heathens. She had him just where she wanted him...



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