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Meeting of the Minds

Posted on Mon Jan 16th, 2012 @ 9:56am by Commander Krang Darkmoon & Alvar Walder

593 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Orbital Yard Project Athena I
Location: Diplomatic Offices
Timeline: Backpost

Having decided that it was he duty to make an 'official' appearance, Krang made his way to the diplomatic offices. He wasn't sure how to handle this visit, so he just showed up and hoped for the best.

The secretary manning the Embassy's front desk looked up and did a double-take as she recognised Darkmoon. Everyone knew by now he was the commander of the facility.

'How can we help you today, Captain?' she asked politely.

"Just wanting to meet the Ambassador. We haven't been formally introduced."

'Very well. One moment. I'll just check that Ambassador Walder is free ...' she paused as she accessed the internal comm system. 'Ambassador ... yes. A visitor. Captain Darkmoon ... you are? Very well.'

She turned back to Darkmoon. 'Please make your way inside. The Ambassador's office is first on the left.'

Krang made his way down the corridor and pressed the entry signal on the indicated door.

'Enter,' called Walder as he shut down his PADD. Seeing that it was the station's Commanding Officer he got to his feet and extended his hand. 'Captain, what an unexpected pleasure,' he was all smiles, 'please take a seat. Could I offer you some refreshments? Some freshly-brewed tea? None of that replicated tosh ...'

"Thank you, but no." Krang replied. "I just wanted to drop by and meet you in person and officially."

'Very well, take a seat,' Walder smiled, 'I'm at your disposal for as long as you need me. For himself he made his way to a small dispenser and helped himself to a china cup of tea. He sat himself down.

"That's very kind of you Ambassador, but I'll try not to take up too much of your time." Krang said, taking the offered seat. "With all that has transpired in the last few days, I wanted to touch base and see if there was anything you needed from me or felt that I needed from you."

'Just a clear run-down of where we stand,' stated Walder carefully. He did not want to appear ignorant, but having been aboard station for only a day, he was unaware of the latest changes. But honesty was the best policy, in some cases, 'I confess when I arrived yesterday, everything was quiet, and am unsure of what you speak of.'

"Ah, yes, you would have missed the excitement then." Krang responded. "We recently had an attempted assassination of the previous command staff or one of the visiting dignitaries, we're not quite sure which yet."

'Troubling ... ' replied Walder quietly, his smile vanishing. He leaned forward slightly, 'Do you have any suspects? Groups who have claimed responsibility? A motive?' Questions raced across his mind. Perhaps this would not be the comfortable assignment for which he had wished.

"No, No, and Maybe." Krang replied. "If we had motive, the who might be much easier to ascertain. If you don't have any information on the subject, which I can safely assume you don't as you weren't even aware of the issue, I won't take up any more of your time. I know you are very busy trying to get settled in. Thank you for seeing me Ambassador."

' ... Very well,' replied Walder evenly, though momentarily taken aback by the abruptness of the man's wish to leave, 'naturally you have a lot of work to do. Should you have need of me, I will strive to be of service.'

"Likewise." Krang said with what he hoped was the correct approximation of a smile.


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