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Hey, who... where's my tools?

Posted on Mon Jan 16th, 2012 @ 12:12pm by Lieutenant Commander Tara Neniphim

281 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: [Typhon] Through a Window Darkly
Location: Fighterbay
Timeline: Current

Yes, I'm back, sorry it took so long.


Tara stood infront of her bird, looking at a few minor scrapes on it. There was some internal damage, and she didn't trust anyone but herself to fix it. Grabbing for the hypospanner she had just put in her tool belt, her hand came up empty. "Chief? Did you borrow my spanner and I wasn't paying attention?" She called to her attendant. She had no other word of it.

"No Commander, none of us have been near you since the party." Tara shook her head and looked about the floor, wondering if she had maybe dropped it somewhere. Retracing her steps, she watch for her tool anywhere that she may have touched, or it may have fallen out.

"Sir? Sir! This is a restricted area, you're not allowing in here. SIR!" Tara looked up from her moving and saw a sight she never thought she would see again. Her commanding officer during the Mars War... Walking into the shuttle bay. He had been killed when an Earth ship slammed into the base that he was defending pretty much by himself. They had had no other way.

As Tara was going to walk up and see the man once more, he vanished. Everyone was looking around, wondering what it was that was going on. Tara shook her head and started backing away from the scene, only to trip over a box that she had never seen before, a real, honest to gods pirate treassure chest.

"What is going on..." Tara whispered as she looked at the chest that had appeared from absolutely no where.


Lieutenant Commander Tara Neniphim
Starbase Typhon


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