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"The Franklin Incident"

Posted on Wed Dec 21st, 2011 @ 6:30am by

498 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Orbital Yard Project Athena I
Location: Docking Bay 4, USS Franklin

Captain LeClaire was found, on the Bridge of the Intrepid Class USS Franklin.

"Are you one of the Starbase Technicians?" Captain LeClaire asked.

Lyra nodded. "Uhm, Lieutenant Commander Skylar says to give you this." Lyra said, with a nod.

"What is it?" Captain LeClaire asked.

"A 1057 Right Turn light bulb." Lyra said. "I'm also supposed to tell you that your Solar Sails are perfectly aligned, for your installation, and if you have a Flux capac... capac... capacitator? Yes. If you have a Flux Capacitator installed, it's some guy named DeLorean's, and you are supposed to return it to him."

LeClaire looked shocked. Not because of what Lyra said, not at all. She hastily signed the PADD.

"Admiral on deck." LeClaire's Executive Officer said, with a sudden snap to attention.

"Oh. Yeah." Lyra said, with a finger to her lips. "Captain Yunie said something about an in-flight Command Review."

"But we aren't in flight, we're docked!" LeClaire said.

Admiral Ongaku-Chi smiled. "Quite right, you are. As it turns out, you are also wasting valuable Starbase Resources, including a tapped out Engineering department, and an overloaded Operations Department. As a result, my office, and that of Commodore Watkins, will be conducting an up-close and personal review of every one of your staff members. Shore Leave is cancelled. I strongly recommend you prepare to disembark, at once."

She winked at Lyra.

"Is that all ma'am?" Lyra asked.

"Of course." Ongaku-Chi said, with a nod. "Dismissed."

Lyra smiled. She left the bridge, just as the lift allowed entry of Commodore Watkins.

"You, there! Your mustache is 0.13 inches long. And you! That's a non-standard Uniform Alterations." Watkins said, disapprovingly, to the members of the bridge staff. "AND YOU! What the hell are those on your feet?"

"Uh... Clogs, sir. Wooden-"

"FLAMMABLE FOOTWEAR? All three of you, are to come with me, down to the Operations department for a proper fitting, hair-cut, and shave." Watkins said, at once.


Lyra had her orders. They were very specific. Admiral Ongaku-Chi had drawn them on the back of a special pair of one-time use only mittens.

"We've got the containing forcefield in place." Sirgei said, with a nod. "All of the Franklin's crew are listed as on board."

Lyra pulled the handle, marked Caution, Explosive Decompression. The docking ring shook, slightly.

"Alert, Docking Bay 4 is out of order." The computer noted.

"Report to the bridge, there's a repair team present. Tell the Franklin that now would be an appropriate time to disembark." Sirgei said, with a nod, to an Operations Officer present, at Admiral Ongaku-Chi's order.

"At once, Chief Warrant Officer."

"Quickly, Lyra. Off you go, to report to Commander Skylar." Sirgei said. "And recycle those mittens before you get there."


Admiral Ongaku-Chi
SCE Dispatching Officer
Commodore James Watkins
Deputy Director of Information Management
Starfleet Command

Captain LeClaire & Bridge Crew
USS Franklin

Lieutenant Junior Grade Lyra Walsh
Propulsion Specialist
Chief Warrant Officer Sirgei Bobgdonovich
Computer Systems Specialist
Starbase Typhon


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