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To Working Together *Holds Up Glass*

Posted on Wed Dec 21st, 2011 @ 2:13am by Commander Buck Ducati & Commander Raven Adams

340 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Orbital Yard Project Athena I
Location: Conference Lounge - Operations
Timeline: After Meeting


The meeting broke up and Raven turned to Leo. "Where would you like to go to talk?"

"Your office would be good so we can continue your investigation." Leo suggested.

"We can discuss the investigation," Raven hedged. She wasn't ready to talk about what she was doing with the new guy.

Leo glanced downwards. "I'm sorry, I should say I'll assist you with your investigation."

Raven chuckled. "As I said, we can discuss it."

She led him into her office and sat at her desk. "There are two possible factions involved in the bombing," she began. "One is the Yerdisians. The Regent sent a group to kill the Prophet. But the Regent has been deposed and the son is now in charge, so if that's who's responsible, we can be assured it won't happen again." She paused for a moment before continuing. "The second is still under investigation. Someone shot the Jefferson's Chief Operations Officer. Prior to that, a disgruntled man tried to bring an explosive device onto the bridge of the Jefferson. There may be a connection."

"How can Security help?" Leo asked. "Did Captain Darkmoon have anything on the Chief Operations Officer's shooting?"

"No. And neither does the Captain of the Jefferson. I'm going to talk to him now that he's leaving Typhon. I'd like you to check the security footage and see if you can find anything."

Leo smiled. ~Excellent, something to do.~ He thought and nodded. "I'm on it and I'll contact you with anything."

"Excellent. Thank you. And I in turn will let you know what I can find. Whoever did is responsible made a mistake. It's up to us to find it," Raven said.

"And we will," Leo said before heading out of the conference lounge and made his way to the security office.

Raven watched him go and smiled. She looked forward to working with the new security officer.


Lieutenant Commander Leonardo Rayon
Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer


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