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Putting Their Heads Together

Posted on Sun Dec 25th, 2011 @ 4:01pm by Commander Krang Darkmoon & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Commander Raven Adams

764 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Orbital Yard Project Athena I
Location: Ready Room
Timeline: Current

Krang called the head of the Marines and the station's second officer into his office. Things were staring to settle back down into 'not an emergency' mode. It wasn't quite back to 'normal' but it was getting better.

He had his yeoman put out a tray of coffee and its associated products on the desk near the sofa. He was still trying to get used to having a yeoman.

He took a seat in the over stuffed chair and waited for the others to arrive.

Raven needed a break from investigating the bombings. The request from Krang came at just the right time. She made her way to the CO's office and rang the door chime.

She walked in on his command. The place looked different now that Hawk was gone. "Hello, Captain. Congratulations on your promotion -- I haven't had a chance to tell you that yet."

Krang rose and greeted her. "Welcome, and thank you. Would you care for a coffee?"

"I don't drink coffee, but if you don't mind I'll get myself a cup of herb tea," she said.

"By all means." he said, gesturing toward the replicator. "Help yourself."

Raven nodded her thanks and replicated herself a cup of lemon tea.

Wilhelm was filing away the last of his personnel reports for the day when he received his invitation. Barring an emergency situation, Wilhelm accepted and took the turbolift out of Marine Country.

Reaching Ops, Wilhelm hits the chime on the Captain's door and enters.

"Captain. Commander." Wilhelm says with a nod of his head.

"Ah, Herr Colonel, join us. Would you like a coffee?" Krang said as pleasantly as possible.

"Sure Captain." Wilhelm said making his way over to the tray and making himself a coffee. While stirring in some sugar he said "So, how has the change in command been? Any issues?" Wilhelm said while remembering the last one.

"So far, so good. All things considered, it could have been a lot worse. Although it's only been a few days. I still wondered where my yellow turtle neck was this morning."

"We'll forgive you if you show up one day in yellow. I'm not so sure how your replacement will feel about it," she teased.

Krang gave a soft chuckle. "How are things shaping up with the investigations?"

Wilhelm took the lead, "Well we are still trying to track down the explosive used in the device. We've ruled out a couple dozen different worlds including Romulan, Breen, Klingon and Cardassian worlds to name a few. However, it does have some similarities to what the Son'a use but they're on the other side of the quadrant. We've also been over the scans over and over again and we might've found something interesting." Wilhelm said then turned deathly serious "We found there was a couple Chronoton particles around the device. It is the demolitions expert's opinion this might've been some attempt at a phase device. That would explain it being able to get through the shields, armor, and hull plating in that section of the station."

Raven listened carefully. "I believe there is a connection either to the Yerdisian prophet who took refuge here and the people who tried to kill him or the attempts on the USS Jefferson and/or its Chief of Operations. I am working with the new Chief of Security to ascertain if there's a connection or not."

"Forgive my ignorance, but why would either of those scenarios lead to our ops deck getting bombed?"

"Because they were after a specific target. Easier to take out Ops and defray suspicion," Raven said.

"Misdirection possibly." Wilhelm piped in. "... We become fixed on Ops while they, whoever they are, take advantage of the situation they created to advance their goals."

Krang nodded slowly. "Have we seen any evidence to support this theory?"

"All my Marines have reported no unusual activity in the Athena Storage Bays and other sensitive areas." Wilhelm said.

"Excellent." Krang said softly. "I can't help but wonder if the possibility exists that the Captain might have been the target. He did have a rather prodigious list of enemies."

"A number of them on the starbase," Raven added sryly.

"All right." Krang said, clapping his hands together slightly. "We've got some good ideas, let's go put some boots and the ground and see what we can come up with."

"Aye sir. I'll tell my Marines to put their ears to the ground and keep a good eye out." Wilhelm said.

Raven nodded. "I'll let you both know if I find anything."

::End of Transmission::


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