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End of Watch

Posted on Sun Jan 10th, 2010 @ 5:45am by Commodore Edward Fannin

188 words; about a 1 minute read

Location: Fannins Private quarters
Timeline: Current


Ed was finished, it had been a long drama filled day, his last meeting was with Several Intel officers who had come from the lab to tell him that the confetti thrown buy the Damron wise men had a small sedative in it... great. He tossed his jacket of the sofa and headed for the small kitchen when he noticed the Wood box on the counter... It was an old wooden Cigar box from the late 22nd century.

To tired to think about security the turned the latch and opened the lid. There below Fannin lay Fifty of Earths most expensive vintage cigars. Ahstons, sun dried cigars from South America. could even be priceless.... Someone had been doing their homework. He checked for a card or a note, nothing at all but the box. He walked to his pantry and produced a bottle of Bald Hills Pinot 2279, a fantastic year for red wine. The bottle given to him a few months back by a young lady he had spent a wonderful week with. He poured a glass and grabbed an Ashton and headed for his recliner....



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