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New Kid on the Block

Posted on Sun Feb 19th, 2012 @ 7:41pm by Commander Krang Darkmoon & Captain Cressidia Lane

545 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: [Typhon] Through a Window Darkly
Location: Shuttle Bay 25
Timeline: Current

The departure of Captain Johnson had left a rather large hole in the command staff of Typhon. Krang had been doing his best to keep things moving smoothly, but there was a reason that a command team was more than one person.

Starfleet Command had sent through a message that a new Executive Officer had been assigned to Typhon Station. Krang wondered how a message of this importance managed to get lost in his "inbox" for the last week. It was nothing short of divine intervention that led to him being made aware that the Commander was going to be arriving by shuttle today.

He quickly rustled up an honor guard and made his way to the shuttle bay that had come up in the rotation for the next arrival.

He was standing calmly (at least on the outside) as the shuttle landed with a thump.

Cressidia was rather nervous as she left the shuttle, but at the same time she was relieved. It was a rather small shuttle, not the kind of thing she was terribly appreciative of. She came through the entrance to the docking port, and was greeted by the honor guard, though she noticed that several of the officers had wrinkles in their uniform, and a few were twisted oddly, as though put on in a hurry. Well, it was nice to see that she was being taken notice of at all, she would have thought there would be other duties taking priority. Still she straightened her uniform and walked up to the captain. Though she had been told of his appearance, she was still slightly taken aback by it. In a good way, just a sort of surprise. She didn't show it though, and it passed after just a moment.

"Sir." She said with a respectful nod of greeting.

"Commander." Krang answered, returning the gesture. "I won't ask how your flight was as I'm sure it was long, boring, and thankfully over. Welcome to Typhon." He added offering his right hand in the almost universally accepted gesture of greeting.

Cressidia shook his hand, smiling politely. "So, is there anything you would have me do now sir?" She wanted to make sure the Captain didn't have anything he wanted her to do right away.

"Well, you could start by moving into your quarters. Then maybe a bit of a walkabout to get to know the high traffic areas of the station?" he suggested. "Our morning staff meeting is at 0800 in my office, but as that was several hours ago, I guess the time is yours until tomorrow morning."

"Thank you sir. I'll head to my quarters first, it's nearly impossible to get any rest on those shuttles." Cressidia said with a smile. She would tour the station later, after she unpacked and had a nice rest. Besides, it sounded like she had nowhere to be until 0800 the next morning. She had to make sure she was on time then, she didn't want to look bad to the rest of the crew.

"Very good, Commander. I'll see you in the morning." Krang said, He told crew Fox to show the Commander to her quarters, then signaled to the 'honor guard' that they were dismissed. He then turned and left the shuttle bay.


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