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Sparkly things...

Posted on Mon Feb 20th, 2012 @ 4:51am by Captain Cressidia Lane
Edited on on Mon Feb 20th, 2012 @ 5:01am

555 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: [Typhon] Through a Window Darkly
Location: The XO's office.

Lyra cautiously attempted to get a glance at the Typhon's new Executive Officer, for almost an hour, before deciding that the only way she'd find the woman in question, was to ring her doorbell. Looking left, then right, she took a deep breath, and pressed the chime.

"Enter." Cressidia said tiredly. She had finally gotten done unpacking her things, she had been looking forward to a bit of rest. Well, she supposed there would be quite a few people around who wanted to see her. No rest for the weary.

Lyra walked in to the Executive Officer's Office, and nodded. "Uhm, hi ma'am. I'm Lieutenant Lyra Walsh. Commander Skylar says that I'm supposed to find you, and ask you to begin harassing Starfleet Command for Engineering staff. Also, Sirgei said you were sparkly, and pretty."

Lyra nodded. "And you are. He's usually right about glittery things, and people. Uhm..." Lyra looked down at notes scribbled on her hands. She flipped her right hand over. "Oh. Yes. No, wait, that's a reminder to clean the lint out of my toes, not yours."

"What do you mean by sparkly?" Cressidia frowned turning to the Lieutenant. She was highly confused by Lyra, what in the world could possibly make her sparkly? And why did she need Engineering crews?

"Pretty. Sparkly. You know. Glitery stuff? Geez, don't they teach people nothin' in school no more?" Lyra asked, privately wondering whether or not she should have brought her mittens.

Cressidia was still very confused. She was wearing nothing that glittered, other than the little comm badge. Even that wasn't particularly sparkly or glittery, this just didn't make sense. She wasn't particularly beautiful, at least not that she though. "I am not sparkly, rather the opposite. I must be misunderstanding your meaning. But don't bother, what is it you need the engineering crews."

"Well, we needs them." Lyra said. "Scary Atwood lady says there's only 72, but I count 73. We has lots of work, and few peoples. "

"So a labor shortage then?" Cressidia thought she was finally getting the way this woman spoke. It was rather odd, but she would figure this out. She would have to see who this Atwood lady Lyra had mentioned was. She hoped there wasn't some sort of larger conflict involved here that she may have just been thrown into.

"Nuh-uh! There's no child birth involved." Lyra said, with a confused look on her face.

"No. What do you need engineering people for then?" Cressidia made a mental note to have Lyra get a mental health examination. This was not something people did.

Reading a note on her left fore-arm, Lyra spoke. "Celestial class starbases with typhon's current workload have a staff over 750. This doesn't include the Athena project's required staff." Lyra said.

"You need more workers. How many more people do you need?" Perhaps she had figured it out this time, at least, that is what Cressidia hoped. She was tired, and really wasn't sure if this was something that she could do much more of now.

Lyra looked over her arms. "Uhm.... nobody wrote that in a note. Lots?" Lyra said.

"I'll see who I can assign to help with that. Dismissed." Cressidia said, leaning back in her chair and taking a deep breath.

"Yes, sparkly lady." Lyra said, nodding. She got up, and left.


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