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Tea Talk

Posted on Mon Feb 20th, 2012 @ 8:34pm by Captain Cressidia Lane

1,034 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Orbital Yard Project Athena I

Aeshia had heard that a new Executive Officer was stationed on Typhon. As Aeshia was a civilian, she didn't really have any special access to her crew roster file, or the like, so the only real way to figure out much about the woman, Aeshia knew, was to bring her some tea.

Approaching the woman's Office, pushing a trolley, Aeshia pressed the chime.

"Enter." Cressidia said, wondering who it could possibly be this time. She had been a bit surprised to have so many visitors in only the first few hours of her arrival here.

Aeshia pushed her tray in, and looked Cressidia over, and instantly knew this had been a good idea. "Hello Executive Officer lady. I am Aeshia, I run tea shop. You need tea. You look stressed."

"Alright. What tea would you recommend, you seem to be an expert?" Cressidia said with a smile. Tea sounded good right now, she hoped that Aeshia would have something that she would like. "You can call me Cressidia if you would like."

"Cressidia is pretty name." Aeshia said, with a nod. "Have green teas, and berry teas, and pompous british people tea, and something called Orange spice tea. I not know what that is."

Cressidia smiled. Orange spice tea sounded interesting. "Let's try the orange spice tea. Something new for me, and perhaps for you too." She hoped she wouldn't regret that decision, but orange spice tea sounded relaxing.

"So, you are new." Aeshia said, nodding, as she turned on the portable heating element under the tea pot. "Is good. Also, is stressful. You find job to difficult already, or you think you can handle it?"

"Yes, I'm new here. It will take some getting used to, I'm sure, but I can handle that." Cressidia leaned back in her chair a bit, watching the bubbles begin to rise on the surface of the water in the tea pot.

"Is important, to relax." Aeshia said. "You come to tea rooms. I make you tea. It will be good."

"I'll have to stop by next time I am looking for tea and relaxation. Where is your tea room?" Cressidia asked this with all intentions on stopping by later, she wouldn't mind sampling the other teas Aeshia had, there was probably a larger selection in the tea rooms as well.

"Is in promenade. Many things on promenade. Lots of stores, and shops." Aeshia said. "Not hard to find. Oriental Tea Rooms is first on right, from turbo-lifts."

"Well, I look forward to sampling more of your teas. Is it ready yet?" Cressidia asked, wondering how long the tea needed before it would be ready.

Aeshia nodded. "Nearly." She said, with a smile. "You is nice lady."

"Why thank you, you seem nice as well." It sounded to Cressidia like she had made her first friend here on Typhon. She liked Aeshia well enough, she was a bit strange but seemed like a good person to her.

The heating element chimed, softly. Aeshia took the tea pot off the element, and followed an absolutely silent ritual, until a cup of tea, and several sugar cookies were placed before both Cressidia, and Aeshia.

When Aeshia was done, Cressidia gave an almost bow like nod, and picked up her cup. The tea was hot, so she started with only a tiny sip, not wanting to burn her mouth. There was a slightly earthy flavor to the strongly orange flavored tea. She quite liked it, and dipped one of the cookies in the tea, nibbling off the now orange spice tea saturated cooking. It was quite tasty really, the orange spice tea was her new favorite tea. She decided that just now.

Aeshia sipped the tea. "Not as nice as Green tea." Aeshia decided, after sipping the cup. "Have you met many of the other people here?"

"The Captain, and Lyra. Then you. So not very many people yet. Things seem nice enough around here though. The tea is very good, will it cost anything?" Cressidia wondered about this for the first time since she had started the tea, would Aeshia be using Latinum, or something else for money. She only had a few strips on her now, sitting in the bottom of her underwear drawer actually. The rest was in a bank on Earth, it would probably take a few days for them to be able to ship it here. If that was what Aeshia took for payment.

"I not charge, when I bring tea." Aeshia said. "And I sorry to hear you met Lyra. Surprised you didn't explode."

"She did seem a bit strange, but I think I can handle that too. Thanks for the tea." Cressidia said, containing her laughter by taking another sip of her tea. She did like the flavor of this one.

"Many people say they can take Lyra. Most are usually wrong." Aeshia said, shaking her head. "Especially if she not have hand coverings. Scary."

"Well, I'll keep your warning in mind then." Cressidia was nearly done with her tea now, having been sipping it as Aeshia was talking.

Aeshia nodded. "And watch out for Atwood lady. She's mean." Aeshia said, thoughtfully. "Has no taste in tea, either. Everyone else not bad. Just prone to bad taste in tea." Aeshia finished the cup of Orange Spice. "Not the worst tea someone has ordered, in my tea shop. Definitely not the best, either. But I not hold against you."

"I'll have to make sure to meet her, both you and Lyra have now told me she's mean." Cressidia smiled, she looked forward to seeing for herself who this person was. "You'll have to show me your best tea next time I drop by your tea shop."

Aeshia nodded. "You come. I make you tea. It will be good." Aeshia said, nodding. "You have sleep now. Need rest."

"Yes, hopefully I can get some more rest before another visitor shows up. I will see you again soon. Goodbye for now." Cressidia said with a smile, standing and holding out her hand for Aeshia to shake.

Aeshia, however, simply bowed. "And you, ma'am." Aeshia said, with a nod.

Cressidia pulled her hand back and returned the bow.


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