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Battle of Marine Holodeck 4

Posted on Sun Mar 4th, 2012 @ 10:17am by Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Staff Sergeant Otto Krupp [Wilhelm]

1,063 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: [Typhon] Through a Window Darkly
Location: Marine Holodeck 4
Timeline: current


Wilhelm received an invitation from Otto to observe some training down on one of the Marine holodecks. On his way to the Holodeck he grabbed his full kit of body armor, helmet, web gear, pack and weapons to set a good example. Fully kitted Wilhelm arrived on the holodeck to see two full enlisted companies at drill on a large grass field surrounded by hills and ample sunlight.

Otto trotted up to the Colonel, saluted, and said, "Welcome sir. I thought I'd try to get you out of the office and enjoy some simulated sunshine." Otto said with a smile and continued, "I see you dressed for the occasion all the other officers thought they had something better to do then full kit drills."

Wilhelm looked shocked. "Oh really. I guess the darlings need some extra motivation from on high." Wilhelm said with an evil grin. "So what have we got going Otto? Bayonet drills over there I see." Wilhelm said looking toward an area of the field as he and Otto walked through the field. "Good old fashioned obstacle course..."

As they walked through the field they passed one group where a Sergeant was talking to a group of new arrivals. "...Sure you ladies have passed through Basic and have made it to a Fleet unit. THIS DOES NOT IMPRESS ME! It is my job to keep you apes in shape. NOW! Let's try for that first heart attack of the day! LEFT FACE! F'RWARD MARCH!"

Wilhelm watched with amusement but did not let it show remembering well his days as a Private in the Corp. Watching the small unit break into a run and cadence Wilhelm heard a new sound drift toward him. It sounded like a fife and drums. Looking around he could not determine where the music was coming from and realizition came that this was not one of the 21st's tunes. It was one used by the Tenth Marine Division. The tune was called British Grenadiers if memory served....

The music grew loud enough to were Wilhelm could tell where the music was coming from. Just over the hill to the south of them. Wilhelm also heard a faint sound that sounded like a large group of men marching on grass with the marching and music growing louder Wilhelm turned to Otto. Otto look mystified and said "Not any of my ideas sir."

Wilhelm turned and looked back toward the sound. "Computer. End program." he said. When nothing happened he said again. "Computer. Arch!" Again nothing happened, Wilhelm hit his Comm, "Hackleburg to Marine HQ. Respond!" Nothing. Wilhelm turned to Otto "Order the Marines to stand to. I want them in a skirmish line facing that hill. Put the exercise equipment between us and that hill."

Giving the necessary orders Wilhelm and Otto trotted over to the position marked on their HUDS' as the music and sounds of marching grew steadily. Reaching their spots Wilhelm and the Marines crouched down and waited. Within a couple of minutes two sets of flags began appearing over the hill followed shortly by the unmistakable glint of sunlight off of fixed bayonets. This was followed by a large line red cresting the hill. Wilhelm recognised the flags from his Military History class as belonging to the First and Second Battalions of the British Army's 10th Regiment of Foot circa mid 1800's. "Lovely..." Wilhelm mumbled sarcastically. As the British advance stopped at the top of the hill.

"FIX BAYONETS!" Wilhelm called. Not feeling very good with the situation at all. Being that they only had their personal light weapons, Even though highly advanced. Numbers do count as well. At that momemt Wilhelm heard a loud drum beat behind followed by a chant. BOOM BOOM "VIVE L'EMPEREUR!" BOOM BOOM "VIVE L'EMPEREUR!" Wilhelm quickly turned around and looked at the hill behind him. Emerging was a big, blue block of men marching in step being lead by a solitary gold eagle on a white poll. "Now this is seriously not good." Wilhelm said began issueing orders to get out of the two behemoths way. Running hard with his troops Wilhelm seen on his HUD the French and British advances had begun and would still squeeze the tail end of his force between them.

Wilhelm figured out what would happen when these two mortal enemies would meet and determined that would be their best chance to survive.

While still running Wilhelm seen the Marines at the head of the pack make it past the flanks of the Redcoats and the Guards and started forming a new line in a defensive posture. Wilhelm thought they only had a minute or so before the out of time troops started volley firing at each other. Turns out, Wilhelm was wrong. With a jolt the British commander called a halt. "MAKE READY!" The British Officer called raising his sword, "PRESENT!"

Wilhelm yelled at his Marines on the all-hands frequency "HIT THE DECK!! DOWN!!!" Wilhelm said throwing himself head first into the ground. A couple heartbeats later, "FIRE!" Wilhelm and his Marines got as low to the ground as possible as flame and smoke erupted from the Redcoats. Wilhelm heard the shot fly over, some went low but still a couple of feet higher then then any of the Marine were. Also heard were the cries of pain and anger from the French side. "Rendez prĂȘt!" Wilhelm heard from the French. "Stay down Marines. Wait for the Return. Then run like the Devil were after you." Wilhelm ordered.

"Visez! TIREZ!" Wilhelm winced as the French fired and the shot came whistling over. "RUN!!" Wilhelm shouted and took off. "Orders for the next shot should be coming within 15 to 20 seconds." Wilhelm thought as he ran through the rancid blinding smoke that was now over the field. However, the next orders never came as Wilhelm came running with the rest of the Marines out of the smoke. Before them stood a group of Marines and the Holodeck Arch. All the British and French troops were gone though thick smoke still hung in the air. "Any injuries?" Wilhelm asked and received all negatives. "Well who wants to skip Military History classes today?" Wilhelm said with his own attempt at gallow's humor.


Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
CO, 21st Marines
Starbase Typhon

Staff Sergeant Otto Krupp
32 Squad
181st Marine Raiders
Starbase Typhon


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