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A Rumble of Trouble

Posted on Sat Mar 10th, 2012 @ 3:09pm by Commander Krang Darkmoon

300 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: [Typhon] Through a Window Darkly
Location: Promenade
Timeline: Current

Krang was walking around the promenade looking for something to eat when suddenly the entire station started to rumble beneath his feet. It started very subtly but as the second ticked away it grew in intensity. The rumble grew and grew. Items on shelves began to shake, then fall. The sound of small items breaking began to be heard throughout the area.

Krang hurried into a door frame to avoid anything dropping on his head.

Across the open space of the promenade, odd things began to appear.

Men, woman, and items, spanning centuries, all began to appear and disappear.

Some were moving, others just were stationary.

A twentieth century fighting craft that Krang believed to be known as an A-10 'Warthog' zoomed through with cannons blazing, but nothing showed any evidence of being hit.

On the over look, just across from where Krang stood, two Roman era gladiators fought violently. One through his shoulder into the other and he flipped backward over the railing and simply vanished.

In the open space directly in front of him, came the most clear of any of the visions so far.

Two men, Krang could make out their origins but they were humanoid, were gathered around what could have been a warp core. They were arguing.

"I'm telling you that I'm tried that. All indications are that we should be moving. The engines are at full power, but something is holding us in place."

The older one looked up and seem to look directly at Krang. He tapped his associate on the shoulder and pointed in Krang's direction.

"Hey. Tell me you see the giant monkey too!" he shouted.

Krang stepped out the door frame and said, "You can see me?" but before they could answer, the deck shook violently and they disappeared again.


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