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The XO Lane

Posted on Tue Mar 13th, 2012 @ 6:23am by Commander Buck Ducati & Captain Cressidia Lane

667 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: [Typhon] Through a Window Darkly

On his way back to his office Leo found a memo on his PADD that said a new executive officer has come aboard in the last couple of days. He asked the computer where to find the officer and made his way to her.

Once he found her he offered his hand. "Hello I'm Lieutenant Commander Leonardo Rayon, Chief Security/Tactical Officer. Welcome to Typhon." He said with a smile.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Commander Cressidia Lane, though I take it you probably knew that already." She said with a nod to his pad, where she could see a memo with her name in it. "You wouldn't happen to know what the replicators do best would you? I've been considering a raktajino, but some replicators don't do so well with those."

Leo shook his head then smiled. "I generally have a variety of drinks, well try new stuff all the time so I'm not sure what to suggest." He said.

"Well, would you like anything?" Cressidia said, walking to the replicator and ordering her raktajino. Hopefully it wouldn't screw it up like it had on her last assignment. She had had to teach the replicators how to make them, and it wasn't an easy job, given that they didn't like to learn new things.

"I'm okay thanks," Leo said. "If I may ask ma'am, what was your previous assignment like?" He asked a moment later.

"It wasn't much really, just a small ship. We were doing detailed survey of several planets. Mostly science officers, but those of us that aren't were put to work collecting plant, soil, and insect samples on the planets we looked at. Or piloting the shuttles to the surface." Cressidia said, telling a bit about her last assignment. It was entirely true that it wasn't at all an exciting assignment for her. That was the reason she had asked for a transfer, and gotten just that. "How about you?"

Leo frowned. "I'm sorry you didn't have fond memories of your last assignment. What was your job?" Leo asked.

"Me? Well I was assistant chief security/tactical officer of the Bellerephon for a couple of years." He added a moment later.s

"Officially I was the onsite coordinator. Unofficially I was the one they called to dig up young trees for studying." Cressidia spoke simply, it was the truth. She had spent most of her time digging up trees, washing off the dirt, and repeating just that.

Leo smiled. "Now you are the first officer of a massive Starbase. I'm sure you will be busy with a variety of things."

"I really hope so, digging up trees really wasn't my thing." Cressidia smiled, hoping that she could relax for a while after this, give herself a tour of the station, take a shower, read a book.

He returned her smile. "I haven't been onboard the starbase for long but I have some idea of where majority of things are. Would you like a tour sometime?"

"That would be good, but I was hoping to relax a bit before I took a look around." As much Cressidia liked talking to people, it had been a long day, and she hoped she wouldn't have to order the Lieutenant Commander to leave her be for a while.

Leo could take the hint. "Just let me know and I'll set it up. Oh by the way I want to get a game of cards going with the senior staff, if your interested please do let me know as well." He smiled. "I'll see you around Commander."

"Thanks, I do like a good game of poker, I might have to take you up on that." Cressidia smiled and leaned back in her chair, glad for a rest at last.

Leo grinned. "Excellent. Until we cross paths again," He gave a head bob of respect and headed off to continue his rounds of Typhon's decks.


Commander Cressidia Lane
Executive Officer

Lieutenant Commander Leonardo Rayon
Chief Security/Tactical Officer


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