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Cats and Dogs

Posted on Fri Mar 16th, 2012 @ 4:41am by Captain Cressidia Lane

331 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: [Typhon] Through a Window Darkly
Location: Cressidia's quarters
Timeline: Current


After Cressidia was resonably sure that there were no more new visitors headed her direction, she headed to her quarters.

She turned on the shower as warm as it would go an stepped in, letting the hot water wash over her head. She brushed the water off her face, and began massaging shampoo into her hair, when she was certain she heard meowing outside.

She peeked over the door, and sure enough there was a white picket fence with a cat perched on one of the posts, and a patch of grass around the bottom.

As she reached for a towel, ignoring her soapy hands and head, it disappeared. She finished her shower quickly, wanting to go see what in the world it had been.

Once she was dressed she began scanning the spot where the fence had appeared with a tricorder. There was nothing out of the ordinary.

Then she heard a bark from behind her and as she turned around she was faced with a large dog. It was crouched and growling in her direction, but as she glanced behind her she realized it was growling at the return of the cat on the fence.

She took a step towards the dog, and waved her hand in front of it, but it didn't respond. Then she closed her eyes, rubbing them slightly to check to make sure she was seeing things right, but when she opened them, they had vanished again.

What is going on here? Cressidia asked herself. She knew she wasn't one for hallucinations, she had never had any before and as far as she was aware, nothing had changed about here recently other than her location. And that had all happened before, several times.

She decided the best way to deal with this was to return to her office, there wasn't much she could do here, now that the cat and the dog had left.


Cressidia Rhonda Lane
Executive Officer
Starbase Typhon


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