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Posted on Tue Mar 13th, 2012 @ 9:26am by Miral Annhwi & Alvar Walder

1,203 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: [Typhon] Through a Window Darkly


Miral was back from her trip and knee-deep in paperwork. The Yerdisian situation was resolved and Khiy had a signed agreement that he would have exclusive rights to trade with the Yerdisians and the Federation.

That made her very happy. The paperwork, however, did not. There were far too many pieces of useless correspondence she needed to read normally. While she was gone it seemed to have doubled.

Walder was wading through his own mountain of paperwork. As was usual with an incoming ambassador, he had been allowed to choose his most senior members of staff. That was proving to be more of a headache.

Having heard that the Romulan Ambassador had recently returned to the station, he hazarded that he may be able to meet her. Opening a channel, he arranged his features to their most pleasant, and smiled.

'Ambassador Annhwi, greetings. I am Alvar Walder, Federation Ambassador to Typhon. I was wondering if we could arrange a meeting?'

"Ambassador Walder," Miral replied calmly. "I heard of your posting here. When do you wish to meet?"

'As soon as possible would be preferable - I'd like to get to know my colleagues before any more pressing business raises its head,' Walder smiled widely, 'and besides, I have nothing but applications to look at, which is tiresome.'

"Very well. Your office or mine?"

'I'm afraid my office is rather lacking in amenities at the present time - perhaps I could come to yours if I brought my own tea?'

Miral chuckled. "Yes, you are welcome to come here. I'll have the rest of the tea service ready for your arrival." As an ambassador, she'd had more than one formal tea with Terrans.

'Excellent! I hope a blend of Ceylon tea will meet with your liking - I have no intention of starting my time here over a diplomatic spat regarding the blend,' Alvar chuckled. She did not seem the typical type of Romulan - less stand-offish to be sure.

"I do not believe I have tried Ceylon tea," Miral said. "I look forward to the opportunity. Miral out." She ended the connection and began to clean off her desk preparatory to the upcoming meeting.

For his part, Walder cleared his papers from the desk, and proceeded to put them in one of the high-security safes. From the same safe he retrieved his tea box. It was not that it was precious, far from it, tea was common across the galaxy from Vulcan to Cestus III. Rather, it was because he was forgetful, and if he did not pull the box out with his papers in the morning he would seldom remember to have a cup.

He had already noticed the strange looks he got from the other members of the Embassy staff. No matter. They would come to accept his quirks in time. Walder breezed past his secretary with a 'out to tea with the Romulan Ambassador. Hold my calls.'

Quickly making his way across to the Romulan Embassy, he waited politely at the reception point, having explained his recent appointment with Miral.

Being allowed to step through to the Ambassador's office, Walder fixed her with his widest smile. 'Madam Ambassador. A pleasure.' He held his box of tea in front of him in both hands. 'I hope that I'm not inconveniencing you ...'

Miral bowed. "Greetings, Ambassador. I hope all is well with you."

'My thanks. And the same to you.' Walder still carried his smile as he bowed his head in acknowledgement. 'The relationship between the Federation and the Romulan Star Empire has always been a strong one. Long may it continue.' Strong in which way he politely declined to mention.

"We do not trust each other," she stated bluntly. "So has it always been." She bowed formally. "There is no need to sugar-coat it." She was, however, amused by the man and his choice of words. "But that does not mean we cannot be civil. Have a seat. I am curious about this tea of yours."

He was momentarily caught off-guard by the bluntness of her words. It was a refreshing thing to encounter in the game. 'Well ... I hope the tea meets your expectations.' Walder gingerly placed the box on the Romulan's desk.

Miral took the tea and set about preparing two cups. "What do you take in your tea, Mr. Walder?" She always found the human custom of afternoon tea to be quite enlightening.

'Just the tea,' smiled Walder. 'It's supposed to be fragrant and flavourful enough to be taken on its own, though sometimes some like a slice of lemon, or a dash of milk with it.'

She poured him a cup of plain ea and set it in front of him. Then she poured one for herself. She took a sip and raised an eyebrow. "Interesting. I think I prefer sugar with mine." She added several teaspoons and took another sip and nodded. "So, Mr. Walder, to what do I owe this visit?"

Walder shrugged, smiled, 'I just thought I'd get out-and-about and meet my fellow diplomatic officials. On Cardassia we were used to working closely together - sometimes we didn't agree, but we all understood the game. It was a good environment.' He took a sip of his own tea and concluded, 'I wanted to get off on the right foot with the rest of you, I suppose.'

Miral nodded. "Acceptable. And understandable." She paused to sip her tea and consider the man opposite her. "Tell me about your time on Cardassia."

Just then a Terran Studebaker burst through a wall, leaving no signs of damage. Miral stood quickly but before she had a chance to react further, the car drove through the far wall and disappeared.

Miral walked over to the wall and examined it closely. There was no sign that any sort of motorized vehicle had passed through the room. "Computer, what was that?"

"Please be more specific."

"What was that vehicle that drove through my office?"

"The vehicle was a 1942 Studebaker from the state of Indiana on Earth."

Miral turned to the Ambassador. "A what?"

'A type of car. They were popular in the United States I believe,' replied Walder, saucer of tea halfway to his lips, and all thoughts of his Cardassian escapades gone from his mind. 'Primitive transportation, used internal combustion.'

He looked at the wall. 'Was that ... real?'

"Obviously. At least in the sense that it existed in some form and we both saw it. Real as in palpable, I'm not sure." She continued to look at the wall. Perhaps I should talk to one of the officials here?" She turned to Walder. "Or should I let you do that?"

'Perhaps we should both attend?' Walder put his cup back on its saucer, 'to be quite honest, if both of us were to make a statement it would likely have more of an effect than if we were to make it individually.'

"A valid point." She finished her cup of tea. "After you."


Alvar Walder
Chief Diplomat

Miral Tal'Aura Annhwi
Romulan Ambassador


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