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Unexpected Dispatch

Posted on Mon Apr 2nd, 2012 @ 8:06am by

873 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Orbital Yard Project Athena I
Location: Varies

"You did it, Lyra!" Sirgei said, smiling.

Lyra beamed. "I passed." She said, looking to Sirgei, with a big grin. "I don't like tests. You have to study for them."

"I know Lyra-" Sirgei said, as they rounded a corner.

And practically crashed into Commodore James Watkins, and Admiral Ongaku-Chi.

They were both grabbed, and Ongaku-Chi tapped her comm-badge. "Tesla, beam us up." She whispered, softly.

USS Tesla - Bridge

"Lieutenant Junior Grade Walsh, Chief Warrant Officer Bobgdonovich." Watkins said. He nodded to her. "The Admiral does not believe that you are the appropriate person for this task." He added, without preamble. "However, as you have just passed the final prerequisite, that of Bridge Officer training tests, and you are the only one not currently dispatched to a specific task for the Athena Project, I have requested overriding from higher ranked Admirals. We need you to perform a mission."

Lyra looked from Watkins, to Ongaku-Chi, to Sirgei.

Sirgei looked hesitantly at Ongaku-Chi. "Care to fill us in, Admiral?"

"The Edison." Ongaku-Chi said, with a scowl. "Long range sensors detected an unexpected, and uniquely accented explosion, resembling a warp core breach, approximately 7 days ago, from their last known position. We don't have any Engineering-oriented rescue vessels with an appropriate command staff available-"

"The Tesla is ready to fly, with thanks to the Engineering staff here on Typhon. The small vessel can fly under a skeleton crew of about a dozen, with computer assistance." Watkins interrupted. "We've got a dozen academy cadets looking for a field examination."

Lyra looked at Watkins. "I don't know what you is talking about, but I is scared."

"Lieutenant Junior Grade Lyra Walsh, as of this moment, I am transferring you to temporary command of the Sabre class USS Tesla. For a classified mission, under the guise of an academy training mission. You will not discuss this mission, beyond the test scores of various cadets, outside of myself, Admiral Ongaku-Chi, and Chief Warrant Officer Bobgdonovich." Watkins said. "You are to fly the ship, to the Edison, once the last of the Tesla's repairs are finished, collect their crew, and tow their vessel back. This should not require anything beyond a normal officer's capabilities."

"Commodore Watkins, sir." Sirgei said, "Due respect, but Lyra is not especially a Commanding Officer type-"

"You were not given permission to speak, Chief Warrant Officer, and your opinion on the matter is irrelevant, as it does not concern you." Watkins noted.

"Sir, that's my fiance, you are so casually discussing." Sirgei countered. "And-"

Ongaku-Chi stared him down. She suspected she knew where this was going. "Chief Warrant Officer, Commodore T'Yuna, and her staff, may be in critical danger. Regardless of the aspects of Lieutenant Walsh's records, which are so sealed, and classified, by my hand, that Commodore Watkins won't even get the faintest concept of, even if we directly referenced the file name, the fact of the matter is, she's the only officer on Typhon who can especially be spared at the moment."

Sirgei stopped. "Admiral, you said I was to watch over her, and look after her." Sirgei said, after several moments.

"Why do you think you were volunteered for this mission, Chief Warrant Officer?" Commodore Watkins asked.

"If Lyra is going, I'm going." Sirgei said. "With, or without your consent." He added, staring down the Commodore, in a similar matter, to which Ongaku-Chi had given him.

Lyra looked at Sirgei. She nodded. "We have to. They is in trouble. Things have gone esplodey."

"You are aware, that Lieutenant Commander Skylar will be extremely unimpressed by these actions, made without his fore knowledge, or consent, yes?" Sirgei asked.

"And the Captain Monkey Man." Lyra added.

Ongaku-Chi smiled. "Not to worry. Things will be... smoothed over."

"You mean ordered over." Sirgei added.

Watkins pointed a finger at Sirgei. "I've had it with your insubordinate attitude."

"Good." Sirgei said. "If you'll pardon me, I need to collect a few things from the Starbase before we leave-"

"ABSOLUTELY NOT. The Tesla departs spacedock in 17 minutes." Watkins said, harshly.

Lyra looked from Sirgei, to Watkins, to Ongaku-Chi.

"I wish I had my mittens." She whispered.

"And Link." Sirgei added, back in whisper.

Typhon - Docking Bay 7

"So, who do you want to handle, Commodore? Mister Skylar, or Mister Monkey- err... Darkmooon." Ongaku-Chi asked, as they stepped off of the Tesla's docking port.

"Neither. I've got too much bloody paperwork." Watkins said with a scowl.

"Great. Glad to hear you are willing to do both for me." She said. She handed him both PADDs. "I'm sure you'll do fine."

And with that, Ongaku-Chi stepped in to the door way, of the lady's room, and left a rather steamed Commodore sitting in the hallway.

"Attention, Attention. This area is to be decompressed in three point four minutes. Please vacate the area, so this hatch can be sealed." The computer noted.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm going." Watkins muttered.


Admiral Ongaku-Chi
"That" Admiral...

Commodore James Watkins
Deputy Director of Information Management - On assignment to the SCE

Lieutenant Junior Grade Lyra Walsh
Acting Commanding Officer, USS Tesla? This can't end well.

Chief Warrant Officer Sirgei Bobgdonovich


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