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Posted on Wed Apr 4th, 2012 @ 5:57am by Miral Annhwi & Captain Cressidia Lane & Alvar Walder

579 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: [Typhon] Through a Window Darkly
Location: XO's Office
Timeline: After Automobiles and Cats and Dogs


Miral heard there was a new XO on board. As she had yet to meet the woman and wished to learn more about the apparition in her office, she decided to do both at the same time.

She and Alvar Walder found the XO's office and rang the door chime.

Cressidia answered the chime promptly, tying up her still damp hair in a loose ponytail. "Enter."

Miral entered before the diplomat. "Greetings," she said and bowed. "I am Miral Tal'Aura Annhwi, I am the Ambassador from Romulus."

"Nice to meet you. I'm Cressidia Lane, the new Executive Officer here. Was there a specific reason you came down to see me?" Cressidia hadn't known Romulans to be particularly social without reasons, and after seeing the cat and dog in her quarters, she was almost wondering if they had had similar hallucinations. Maybe there was some sort of new pathogen on board causing them? Or an anomaly?

"Yes. There is some sort of apparition in my office. An," she looked at the diplomat, "automobile. It drove through the office and disappeared into the wall. But there is no damage. Is the station haunted?"

"That's strange actually, because I was in my quarters just a few moments ago and there were a cat and a dog that appeared and disappeared. But I usually sneeze around dogs, I'm ever so slightly alergic to them. And I didn't even have a sniffle." Cressidia recounted her encounter in her quarters, there had to be something causing this. "I haven't heard anything about the station being haunted though..." She was having trouble coming up with a reason for these strange occurances, she didn't thing the station was haunted, unless it was by anomalies.

"Then would you be so kind as to look into it?" Miral asked. "As you are the second in command, it would behoove you to find the root of this anomaly."

"I was planning on doing so, I may bring it up at the briefing tomorrow as well. It seems the sort of thing a science officer might be able to help with." Cressidia said. It was an idea that she would have to ask about for sure, they would need more than a command officer and a pair of diplomats to figure this out.

"Indeed, then I will gladly leave the matter in your hands," Miral said.

"Is there anything else you wanted?" Cressidia asked, seeing as the previous topic had been covered, at least in her eyes.

"No. That will suffice. Thank you," Miral said.

'I had a few questions in fact,' replied Walder with a smile. An opportune moment. 'You're absolutely sure that our ... apparitions are the only ones to have shown themselves? And there have been no other encounters in the past?' His brow furrowed, 'and, if I may, I assume your quarters are not in the same general area of the station as Madame Ambassador's offices?'

"While, I haven't had any hallucinations in my life, don't know about you. But my quarters are not very close to the ambassador offices. I can't be sure they have been the only ones, I'm sure we'll find out soon though." Cressidia answered as best she could, there were a lot of unknowns here, they had to proceed with caution.

"Indeed," Miral said. She bowed to the Commander. "Thank you for your time."


Commander Cressidia Lane
Executive Officer

Miral Tal'Aura Annhwi
Romulan Ambassador

Alvar Walder
Chief Diplomat


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