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A Day Off

Posted on Thu Mar 29th, 2012 @ 4:44pm by Lieutenant Izzabelle Black M.D.

580 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: [Typhon] Through a Window Darkly

Izzy had finally gotten a day off from work. She was wandering down the corridor toward the hollow suits with the program of her cabin, well the one she had grown up in that got left to her when her grandmother died. It was her's she had someone taking care of it. In fact she had let one of her former CO's and his daughter use it when they were sent back to Earth. She was missing it terribly.

Placing the program into the holo-matrix she then stepped through the doors. Izzy took in a deep breath from her nose. The holodeck never quite got it right but it was close enough. Directly in front of her was the cabin, to the left the large lake where she had learned to swim and to the right the cliffs she climbed more times than she could count. That was her current goal.

She was out of practice it had been far too long since she had done any climbing and she was going to remedy that hopefully without any disturbance.

She moved over and grabbed the gear, something she usually ignored when she did this often. Once in place she started the climb. She knew the hand and foot holes of this cliff like the back of her hand so found them easily. Half way up she thought she heard something out of place. "An airplane?" she thought and scanned the sky in time to see what looked like some antique bomber flying through the sky right at her. "That isn't part of the program." She said to no one. The plane continued on its path but right before it 'crashed' into the cliff it just disappeared.

Izzy had closed her eyes preparing for the crash and when it didn't happen she opened them scanned the area and let out a sigh. Waiting to catch her breath a moment she continued the climb up the cliff. She reached the top where there was a picnic area. It was one of the things her friends liked most about it. They often would carry some of the supplies with them and set up some at the cliff's bottom one of them carrying the ropes up with them to lift the rest. They often would camp in tents up here. There was a place for a campfire, rest rooms and showers. There was a way to drive here as well but considering where her grandmother's cabin was this was actually the quickest route here.

Izzy had shared this program with a friend of hers. Once she was now missing now that she was here without him. She was moving forward now though she just needed to work on making some friends on the station. A posting of this size there has to be someone she could get close to right?

Izzy moved over to a swing and sat down on it looking around. She needed to be around people. Being here was getting her down instead of cheering her up like it usually did. "Computer end program." Izzy said. She walked out of the doors and toward the promenade sure she could find somewhere to people watch and perhaps get to know someone on the station.

She found a small cafe and ordered a meal the sat for a while people watching. Not really sure what she was looking for but at the same time she knew she would know when she found it.


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