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Posted on Sat Apr 28th, 2012 @ 5:25am by Miral Annhwi & Khiy Tal'ehrihn

886 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: [Typhon] Through a Window Darkly


Miral walked into Trans Galactic Trading and nodded to the woman behind the desk. "Is he in his office?" she asked the woman.

"He just got in." The woman smiled. She motioned for the ambassador to continue through without question.

Miral bowed to the woman and continued past her to Khiy's office.

Khiy smiled as he sat at his desk looking over the company report over the time he had been away. Profits were up and incidents were low, something a securities contractor could really appreciate. Additionally, TGT's freighting lines were about to increase dramatically with the aquisition of exclusive trade rights with the Yerdisian's. Thinking about it, Khiy had to admit that it would be hard not to smile with this kind of business report.

Miral knocked on the door and waited for him to respond. Even now she was heistant to simply walk in on him while he was working.

Khiy looked up to the door and tilted his head to the side. He wondered who it could be since he had only just arrived back home. "Come on in."

Miral smiled warmly as she walked into his office. "You look pleased."

Khiy grinned ear to ear at the site of Miral. He tossed the progress report aside and made his way over to the Ambassador. "You look beautiful." He gave her a quick kiss and hug.

Miral smiled warmly. "I am pleased to see you," she said, returning his hug.

He stood there with her for a moment before a thought struck him. "Wait," he gave a lopsided grin "how is it that you even know i'm here? I just got in less than thirty minutes ago...Half of my staff doesn't even know I'm back."

"I have many connections," she replied enigmatically. "And your beautiful ship is hard to miss when it comes in."

She caressed his cheek before walking over to the sofa and making herself comfortable. "Have you heard of the strange events of late on the starbase?"

"Other than profits beating expectations? No." He found a seat beside her. "Tell me about it."

She told him about the Studebaker in her office and some of the other anomalies she'd heard of on the station. "I believe there is some sort of temporal anomaly causing us to see shadows of the past. But why a Terran past? To date every apparition has been uniquely Terran."

Khiy thought on this. "Have any of these apparitions responded to our presence?"

"Not that I'm aware of." She paused for a moment. "Except for Doctor Hart, who seems to have carried on a conversation with one."

He shook his head. "I leave the station for a couple of months and come home to ghosts running the place. I hope none of these apparitions have been a nuisance to you?"

"An annoyance only. I was having tea with the new Federation diplomat when an automobile drove through my office and disappeared. A meeting with the new Executive Officer did little but confirm that there have been other oddities on the station. They don't seem to have any idea what's going on." Miral shook her head. "I don't know if they're looking into temporal incursions or if they still have no idea what's going on."

"Well hopefully they can figure it out soon. Trouble on the station is bad for everyone, business included." Khiy sat up and made his way over to the replicator. "Can I get you something?"

Miral gave him a small but wicked grin. "I would love a little something." After a moment the smiled changed. "Whatever you're having, Khiy."

Khiy laughed lightly as he pulled out two glasses and poured some Romulan ale into them. He then made his way back; handing Miral one of the glasses. "Glad to be home." He offered up his glass to her.

Miral touched her glass to his. "Very glad." She took a sip of the drink and smiled. "The Romulan Star Empire is not pleased you beat them to Yeridian space. Congratulations on a very successful trade agreement."

"Thank you Miral. I have to say, your help in securing it was invaluable. More than that, I appreciate you putting yourself out on a limb for me. I'm sure if the Empire found out the extent of your involvement in this they wouldn't be so pleased." He took a sip from his glass as he regarded her. "There are a lot of things I appreciate about you. Truly."

Miral smiled. "It was my pleasure, Khiy." She gave him a siren smile. "Let's just say I take a ... personal interest in you."

Khiy smiled as he leaned in closer to her. "Well, I'm fortunate to have caught your attention, then."

"I am the fortunate one." She leaned closer and whispered, "But perhaps I should not tell you that?"

"No, perhaps not." He whispered back. He closed what little distance there was left and kissed her deeply.

It had been far too long and Miral had missed Khiy more than she cared to admit. She ran her fingers along his hand and up his arm until she'd wrapped them around the back of his neck as she returned his kiss.


Khiy Tal'ehrihn
Trans Galactic Trading

Miral Tal'Aura Annhwi
Romulan Ambassador


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