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A Surprise Visit Part 2

Posted on Wed Apr 25th, 2012 @ 11:25pm by Commander Krang Darkmoon & Lieutenant Izzabelle Black M.D.

875 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Orbital Yard Project Athena I
Location: Various
Timeline: Current


"I worked here a long time. Dealing with a smaller crew is easier sometimes though the stuff we face out there is a bit different. I miss this place at times too." Anna said, "Maybe we should go ahead and order our food." She added realizing they hadn't done that yet.


With a motion of his arm, Krang waved over the waiter that had been patiently waiting just out of ear shot.

"I'll have my usual." Anna said smiling, "As if you had any doubt." She added with a chuckle.

Krang also order his typical stand by favorite. "I think I'll take a glass of the house red as well."

"I'll take some sweet tea please." Anna said the reached across the table to take Krang's hand with out a word she just smiled at him.

"So how long are you in port for?" Krang asked.

"Not really sure," Anna said, "I either have to wait until Kaarg can meet up with us again or wait until they assign me an new XO. I also am in need of a good security chief though I guess if push comes to shove I can put the Marine CO over security as well." She said with a sigh.

"Let me get a few glasses of wine in me and I might take the security assignment." Krang said with a laugh.

"And give up all of this?" Anna asked with a twinkle in her eye.

Krang gave a shrug, "It seems to have worked well for you."

"You would give up your command for me?" Anna asked surprised.

"The concept is definitely tempting lately."

"I'll leave that decision to you. I think you can do well here. Just give it a chance." Anna said as she squeezed his hand.

"There's still a lot of resentment and ill will from my days in security here. I was trying to make a point and it seems to have back fired and had longer lasting ramifications than I planned for."

"I'm sorry," Anna said as she sat back because the server had returned with their food.

"Nothing for you to apologize over. It was my own doing." Krang said with a sigh.

"What happened exactly?" Anna asked.

"When Hawk was here, he was pushing to make a name for himself and I was trying to make a point by punishing every little infraction. I would expect you to remember that." Krang said running his right hand across his face in frustration. "A lot of the merchants have been less than forgiving."

"I can see how that might be a problem. It also may be why command wanted you running things here. You know best what is going on behind closed doors so to speak." Anna said.

"I always just thought they wanted to punish me for sins I might have committed in another life."

Anna laughed, "It means they trust you." She said. "Almost as much as I do."

"I guess I need to trust myself as much as others seem to." Krang said, taking a sip of his wine. He cut a large chunk of the eggplant and ate it. He gave a little moan of pleasure, "Ah, good as ever."

Anna nodded as she took a bite of her chicken and pasta. "Until people get to know you, you can come across as intimidating. However, they see you are trustworthy and loyal once they can bet passed that rough exterior." She said with a smile, "but don't worry I won't tell your secret." She added with a wink.

"A guy has to have a few secrets here and there." he answered with a laugh.

"It is very good to hear you laugh." Anna said before eating another bite.

"When you're not here, I don't get much of a chance to laugh." he said flatly.

"We'll have to think of a way to fix that." Anna said.

"There's a lot I need to fix, but I'll add that to the list." he said around another bite of eggplant.

As they were eating a twentieth century astronaut in full EVA gear floated quietly across the restaurant then disappeared through the adjacent wall.

"That could get annoying fairly quickly." Anna stated.

"Yes. Yes it does. And that was one of the less interesting ones." Krang laughed.

"What is the most interesting so far?" Anna asked then took a sip of her tea.

"There was one report of an entire scene appearing. It looked like they were from the nineteen thirties and they were trying to blow open a vault of some kind with a large quantity of dynamite. Luckily they disappeared before they set off the explosion."

"If cars are driving through walls with no damage I don't think the explosives would do anything either." Anna said.

"This was early on. We weren't sure yet that they would have no effect on us yet."

Anna nodded, "I could see how that would have caused a bit of panic then." She stated. "Well maybe we can figure it out together." She added with a smile.

"As long as we're together, that sounds like fun." he answered with a wink.

"You have me for the next few days at least." Anna replied.


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