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Time to Meet the Atwood Lady

Posted on Mon Apr 9th, 2012 @ 7:06am by Captain Cressidia Lane

572 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Orbital Yard Project Athena I

Cressidia had finished her conversation with the diplomats, and she thought it was a good time to start taking care of some business. There was Lyra's request for more people, she would deal with that first.

"Computer, Locate Jane Atwood." Cressidia requested, making sure she wasn't somewhere where she would probably be working. When Cressidia found that Jane Atwood wasn't somewhere where Cressidia would think she was busy, she pressed her comm badge. "Commander Lane to Lieutenat Atwood." She started. "Would you please come to my office? Lane out." She clicked the comm badge off.

A short while later, a rather exhausted appearing woman pressed the door chime. A few curses were muttered, and it was only right then, that Atwood realized she was still in her civilian pajamas...

Scowling, she looked around, hoping no one was paying attention.

"Enter." Cressidia said, looking up from a PADD she was reading while she waited for Jane Atwood to come. She was a bit surprised to see the woman in her pajamas, but really, this day was odd enough already that it didn't matter. Much.

"You..." Atwood said, looking Cressidia over briefly. "called?"

"Yes, I was wondering how much progress had been made on the Athena project." Cressidia said, forming it as a question, even though it was said as a statement.

"How the hell should I bloody well know? I don't even know what the damn thing is supposed to look like!" Atwood exclaimed. "Why don't you ask someone who actually still wants to be a Fleet Engineer, like the silver tongued, pointy eared, green blooded, son of an isolinear chip that people around here call a Chief Engineer?"

"Because I wanted your opinion on things, and if you can't give it, maybe you should put in for reassignment." Cressidia's tone was entirely even, probably frustratingly so. Only her eyes gave hint at her anger, but she wasn't going to show it outright. Lyra was right, this Jane Atwood didn't seem like a nice person. Perhaps it was just her frustration at her job, but still one half-question didn't warant an outburst like that.

"Look, lady I was happily resigned. If you don't like my attitude, file a complaint with commodore T'Yuna or Admiral Ongaku-Chi, as they are The ones who reactivated my commission, against my will." Atwood retorted.

"I might have to have a word with them. But first I would like your opinion on how Athena is going." Cressidia's stubborn side was starting to come out, despite the fact that it looked like she wouldn't get an answer.

"Asking my opinion for something that I'm not assigned to seems a bit unintelligent, doesn't it? Check the Duties roster. I do repair and maintenance on visiting starships. Haven't touched the Athena project. Couldn't give less of a damn about it, either." Atwood said, after rolling her eyes.

"Then you're dismissed." Cressidia was undecided on what to do next. It was understandable for things to become mixed up, especially with so much to get caught up on. She did need to figure out where the Athena project was in it's progress. How much time was left.

"Thanks. Computer, time." Atwood added.

"It is 01:30 hours." The computer noted.

"Guess I had best get ready for shift then." She added, as she left the office, in a particularly grumpy mood.


Commander Cressidia Lane
Executive Officer

Lieutenant Jane Atwood
Engineering Grunt


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