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A Surprise Visit Part 1

Posted on Wed Apr 25th, 2012 @ 11:25pm by Commander Krang Darkmoon & Lieutenant Izzabelle Black M.D.

1,406 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: [Typhon] Through a Window Darkly
Location: Various
Timeline: Current

The Alabama had docked and would be here for a while. With the Klingons having been recalled, her ship was short crew in several areas. They had made sure the Alabama had made it to the station without further issues from the Q. Now Anna made her way to Krang's office. She was hoping he hadn't gotten word about them docking yet. In her hand was a bunch of carrots she had bought at a stall on the promenade. She stepped through the doors and nodded to the yeoman there, "Is Captain Darkmoon available?" Anna asked.

"Yes, ma'am, he is. Shall I tell him you're here?" the yeoman replied.

"If you could just tell him there is someone to see him. I'm trying to surprise him if I can." Anna answered with a smile.

The yeoman alerted the captain and then ushered Captain Johnson in.

Anna stepped through the doors with the bunch of carrots behind her back. "I was in the neighborhood and thought I would stop by." Anna said with a smile.

"Anna!" Krang said excitedly. "How did the Alabama manage to dock and I not hear about it?" he asked, plotting to read the riot act to a few crewmen in the very near future.

"We just got here and I tried to get here as soon as I could to surprise you." Anna said then pulled the carrots out from behind her back she offered them to Krang.

"Oh, so that's how we're going to play it?" he asked with a laugh. "You think you can just stroll into my office and start waving around temptation without consequences?"

"I hope it isn't without consequences." Anna teased, "Do you have time to grab something to eat?" She asked and moved forward to give him a hug.

Krang pulled her into his arms and gave her a big hug. "I think I could sneak away for a few minutes."

"I was hoping so. If not we could make plans for later. I have missed you especially during our last mission. I could have used your brains a bit." Anna said.

At that moment a man in wearing an animal pelt ran through the starboard bulkhead, quickly followed by what appeared to be a utahraptor. The man seemed was screaming as he ran. They both crossed the office then disappeared through the port bulkhead.

"Was it weirder than that?" he asked with a point of his finger.

Anna raised an eyebrow, "One of the Q showed up and had us bouncing between two realities. One we were dealing with pirates trying to take over our ship, the other we crashed the ship on a planet where the inhabitants were on the verge of warp but hadn't gotten there yet. We had to figure out which was real. Luckily the Klingon's that were always near us because of the exchange program helped us figure it out fairly quickly." She added, "What was that exactly?" she asked.

"That was an "I don't know" and they have been showing up all over the station. They come from any time and any where. They don't seem to actually be there and they don't seem to know we're here either. And then, just for giggles, we get massive hull tremors ever once in a while."

"Sounds like some kind of temporal displacement." Anna said, "Maybe some of my crew can help figure it out while were here. For those that want something to do while we restaff the ship." She suggested.

"We haven't had much luck figuring it out, so any help would be appreciated." Krang answered honestly.

"I'll mention it to some of my crew. I'm sure some of them will be glad for something to do and I'll help if I can as well. Right now though I would like some time with you." She said reaching out for his hand.

Letting her take his hand, Krang nodded. "They still hold our table at Corsino's."

"I think that could work quite nicely." Anna answered with a smile, "I can get my chicken parmigiana and you can get your eggplant parmigiana and we can catch up on things."

He laughed and said, "I just have to remember to keep you away from the vino."

"Not a problem. I try to stick to the synthohol unless I don't want to insult a Klingon then I limit myself to one mug of blood wine." Anna said, "I don't want to turn into my father and I tend to be mean when I'm drunk."

"I'm sorry. Didn't mean to poke an old wound. I forget sometimes."

"Nothing to apologize for. If he hadn't treated me like he did I wouldn't have tried so hard to try and make him proud and might not be where I am today. Like I said I just want to be sure I am nothing like him. You bring out the best in me." Anna said as they walked out of his office.

"At least I'm good for something." he said with a chuckle.

"You are also good for cuddling with." Anna said with a wink.

Krang made an exaggerated shushing noise. "Don't give away all my secrets." he said, then placed a gentle kiss on her cheek.

Anna laughed, "You don't know how much I have missed you." She said. "It's good to be here for a while."

"I have missed you a lot too. I hate that circumstances couldn't be better, but any excuse for a visit is a good one I guess."

"Maybe we can watch a movie or something tonight. Just enjoy some time together." Anna suggested.

"A movie might be fun. I could definitely use something to take my mind off things for a little while."

"I'm sure we can come up with some sort of distraction." Anna said as they made it to Corsino's.

They host met them at the entry way and smiled. "Well aren't you two a sight for sore eyes. I have your table ready if you'll follow me."

Krang said, "Dale, you don't have to make such a fuss." as they arrived at the table. Dale lit a small red candle on the table and left two menus. "I doubt you'll need these, but I'll give you a few minutes."

Anna looked at Krang, "Are we that predictable?" She said with a laugh.

"I tend to be and it rubs off on the people around me."

"Well I did know what we were likely to order before we even got here after all." Anna said with a smile as she looked at Krang her smile grew even larger.

"So," he led "You had a run in with Q?"

"A female Q but yes. The Klingons actually helped get us out of that one. It was a bit unnerving though." Anna answered.

Krang gave a laugh. "I guess hanging out with all those Klingons had to eventually be good for something."

"The pirates weren't expecting a Federation ship to get help from Birds of Prey I'm sure." Anna said with a nod.

"I can't say that too many people 'expect' Klingon war birds in any situation."

"True enough I guess. So how long have these distortions for lack of anything else to call them right now been going on?" Anna asked.

"A few weeks now. They seem to come on go with varying degrees of frequency. We haven't been able to track down the source yet."

"Are there reports of this phenomenon anywhere else near by? Like maybe the Tiberius system?" Anna asked.

"We haven't heard any reports of it. It seems to be a local phenomenon."

"Hmmmm," Anna said, "Maybe I should speak to some of my contacts it may be that they don't want to say anything for fear of scaring off tourist." Anna stated, "So its possible there is something going on there too and they want to keep it as quiet as they can."

Krang gave a nod of his head. "That would be a really good idea. I hadn't thought of that myself. I miss your way of thinking around here sometimes."

"I worked here a long time. Dealing with a smaller crew is easier sometimes though the stuff we face out there is a bit different. I miss this place at times too." Anna said, "Maybe we should go ahead and order our food." She added realizing they hadn't done that yet.


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