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Sirgei and Lyra's day out(Part 1)

Posted on Fri May 18th, 2012 @ 7:25am by Commander Krang Darkmoon
Edited on on Fri May 18th, 2012 @ 7:47am

1,058 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Orbital Yard Project Athena I
Location: USS Tesla

Sirgei sat, at the helm console, waiting to engage the program, which would take the Tesla out of Starbase Typhon's docking ring.

Lyra nodded, to the bridge crew. "Okays. We has a roll call for launch. We has Sirgei, and Cap'n Lyra lady, and Commander Prylar Guy, and Lieutenant Jardo, and Four Cadet guys, and one Cadet Caitian lady. Is we all clear to depart?"

"Uh... I think so?" Sirgei said, recompiling the program one last time. "Yeah. Everything checks green. Lieutenant Montora clear us with Typhon control, please. I don't want the computer to bump us in to someone who has the right of way, because it doesn't quite grasp that concept."

"Uhm... Sirgei... are you sure this program is going to fly?" Lyra asked.

"In open space. Yes." Sirgei said. "In Typhon control, it'd be great if we could get Typhon Control to handle us getting out of the docking room."

Jardo keyed the channel open. "Typhon control, Starship Tesla requesting launch clearance for immediate priority departure."

A female voice answered, "I'm telling you for the last time, the buy in is fifty credits and it's not if something catastrophic will happen but when." Then she seemed to notice the line was open. She stammered, "Um, roger that Tesla. You're clear to depart on vector two gamma."

"Thanks Lady!" Lyra shouted. "Go Sirgei."

Predictably, the Computer took a moment to get adjusted. The ship gently impulsed backwards, making sure to blink it's running lights, before turning towards the space-dock doors, and slowly moving forward.

A passing shuttle-craft nearly collided with the ship, however the low-band warning signal that the ship was not under manned control, and all smaller craft should yield the right of way was caught in time, causing the shuttle pilot to do some mad stunt, which nearly got him smushed on a passing work-bee.

The ship made it out the starbase doors, and promptly...

...attempted to go to warp, and, instead, fired a Torpedo directly forward, into the sun.

"Sirgei..." Lyra said.

"Uh... yeah... hang on." He adjusted one of the numbers. "There."

The ship jumped to warp, at once.

Jardo stared at his control interface with a truly confused look on his face. "I did not fire that ordinance." he announced very matter-of-factly.

"I'm aware." Sirgei said. "Had the sub-systems misnumbered. So long as we don't go into combat, I'm fairly certain I have them all right. I hope nobody at Typhon Control gets annoyed about the fact that I had IMPulse, and docking thrusters mixed up. I did warn the Admiral that this was Beta software."

"Sirgei... please don't make us explode. I don't have my mittens." Lyra said, with a sad look.

"I'll try, ma'am."

"I would have to concur. Not exploding is a preferred outcome."

Prylar watched with passive amusement during the entire debarkation, scanning the Engineering II console in the back of the bridge. "It would seem to be a successful experiment. Warp engine intermix is at 84%. That's fairly impressive for the computer to maintain all by itself."

The commander looked over at the programmer and smiled. "Every experiment has bugs. This was remarkably free of them. The torpedo notwithstanding."

"What do you means, the compooter is maintaining the intermix by itself! Bridge to Engineering! What is you cadets doing down there? You is supposed to be doing Engineering Officer things! Why is the computer managing the intermix levels by itself? You all better get your homework done, or I gonna come down there, and start spanking people." Lyra yelled in to her comm-badge.

Sirgei pondered commenting on that. Given some of the physical attributes of some of the cadets, he would certainly love to see Lyra spanking a few of them, but that didn't forgive assaulting cadets that they were issued by Admiral Ongaku-chi. "Uh... Lyra..." Sirgei said, after the comm-link closed. "Do you really-"

"Shoosh Sirgei. I is busy commanding." Lyra said. "That's an order. Shoosh."

Sirgei frowned, but refrained from commenting.

Jardo could not really process what he was watching. The woman in command was at the same moment competent and insane. She would have glimmers where she would make sense and the next she would be discussing not having her 'mittens'. He cleared his throat and spoke softly in an effort to not spook her. "Orders ma'am?"

"You can help me scare the Cadets. They is being stupid. I might have to give them all epic fail grades." Lyra said. "I don't know how you can scare them, though."

"He could require them to service the torpedo launchers," Prylar deadpanned. "Then someone need just tell the story about the little numbering mixup."

Sirgei refrained from commenting, however his neck, the only easily visible part of him, from the angle he was sitting at, had turned rather red.

"That could work. That sounds like good plan. Gold star to Commander Prylar guy." Lyra said, with a nod.

"That does sound like a good plan. I should have thought of that myself." Jardo commented.

"Bad Lieutenant Rhino man. Bad. No star for you." Lyra noted. "But you can still go scare cadets, if you want."

Prylar glanced at Jardo and offered a brief smile, one of commiseration.

"Oh. You can ask Sirgei for more scary stories. He says I'm good at making those." Lyra added.

"I'll keep that in mind." Jardo said as he turned to leave the bridge since he obviously had very little duty related to due while under the computer's control.

"'Kay." Lyra said, happily. "Has fun, Mister Rhino man!"

"Is that an order, Ma'am? I'd rather not."

"Yesh. It is a moral imperative." Lyra said, giving him a serious look.

Prylar, facing his console, snorted amusedly but said nothing.

Jardo lowered his head and his voice and muttered "Jo Ro To Lo Mo No Bo So Do." which thankfully the universal translator didn't translate because Lyra would probably have reacted badly to hear her mother called that.

Sirgei raised an eyebrow. He said nothing, but pondered what was wrong with translator.

Jardo decided that it would be best for everyone if he departed and went to "scare the cadets" as ordered.


Commander Prylar
SCE Team Chief, USS Tesla/Edison

Lieutenant Jardo Montaro
Acting Security Chief, USS Tesla/Edison

Sirgei Bobgdonovich
Lyra Systems specialist

Lyra Walsh
Acting Captain(Oh noes!)


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