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Sirgei and Lyra's day out(Part 2)

Posted on Fri May 18th, 2012 @ 7:46am by Commander Krang Darkmoon
Edited on on Fri May 18th, 2012 @ 7:46am

634 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Orbital Yard Project Athena I

USS Tesla - Out in space

"Uhm. Sirgei, I know you taught the computer to fly, but do you know how to make it talk?" Lyra asked.

Most of the bridge crew had tolerated Lyra's ineptitude, up to this point. Sirgei was grateful. "Maybe the special passenger knows?"

"I got it, ma'am." One of the Cadets said.

"Well, we should bring up the Commander man, anyways. Bridge to Commander Prylar guy, could you come to the bridge, please?" Lyra asked.

"I'm on my way," the reply was virtually instantaneous. Toran's quarters were piled high with PADDs of documentation regarding the anomalies at hand, and mercifully, he'd dodged most of Lyra's attempts to "help" so far. She was eager, but not particularly useful, in his mind.

He passed through the turbolift doors soon enough, looking toward the viewscreen and almost purposely avoiding the gaze of the woman who insisted on calling him "Prylar guy".

"What's the situation?" Prylar asked simply, moving to the closest unmanned console. Old habits, and all...

"We has arrived. They look not so bad as expected. We help them. I thought this was a fairly straight forward mission description." Lyra said, with a brief look, as though she was pondering how Prylar could not grasp it.

Prylar spared her a glance, resisting the urge to roll his eyes. "I was inquiring as to their status. I'm aware of the ship's difficulties in a general sense, but I was seeking a more detailed damage assessment. Has one been collected?"

He answered his own question, returning his focus to the console. "The Chroniton Cascade certainly played merry pahna with their systems, but they've seemed to jury-rig around most of the issues. They really just need a core. And, of course, six weeks or so in dock."

"Well, they is in trouble, and we help them. Stop being so nit-picky." Lyra said, with a scowl.

Prylar spared a brief smile, mostly to himself. "Of course. I'll prepare and assessment of the damage, so we can provide what assistance we're able, given the lack of crew aboard."

A beep, and then another one.

Sirgei entered a few commands into the console.

"You have two incomming calls." The computer noted. "Call display headers note origination calls from the Edison, and the babbling brook."

"The Admiral's boat? Put that on." Sirgei said.

"Uh. Yeah. What Sirgei said." Lyra said, with a nod.

"Unrecognized command." The computer noted.

"Put the babbling brook on." Lyra said.

"This is Admiral Ongaku-Chi to any available vessel with a properly staffed crew, in sector. I'm aware there are very few, at the moment. We need some ships to volunteer for a search, and rescue mission." Ongaku-Chi's voice said, in what was obviously a recording. "Please report to me as soon as possible."

The comm-link switched over to the other call.

"Captain, if I may suggest, logic dictates that we have a fully trained crew, and the Tesla has a fully operational ship-" A Vulcan woman's voice noted.

"We has no crews. We has Cadets, and Lyra, and Sirgei, and Commander Prylar Guy." Lyra said, with a chuckle.

"Lyra?" Kathleen's voice asked over the comms. "What are you doing in that chair?"

"I is Commandin'. What's it look like, Kathy lady?" Lyra asked. "Commodore T'Yuna lady, that message sounded bad. What are we going to do?"

"Pack your crew. You'll be towing the Edison home via shuttle craft. I'm commandeering the Tesla under Commodore-rank authority for an emergency situation." T'Yuna's voice said, sharply. "Tell Commander Prylar that he'll be remaining aboard."

"Uh. Right. Well, you heard the Commodore Lady." Lyra said, to Jardo, and Prylar.

The Crew of the USS Edison/Tesla


Sirgei Bobgdonovich
Lyra Systems Specialist

Lyra Walsh
Acting Captain


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