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Jurassic Park?

Posted on Wed May 30th, 2012 @ 2:15am by Commander Raven Adams & Captain Cressidia Lane

1,219 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: [Typhon] Through a Window Darkly
Location: ((TBD))


Raven was on her way back to her office after her night off with Skylar when she spotted the new XO. She altered her path to greet the woman. "Hello, Commander."

"Hello Commander." Cressidia said, noticing the rank pips on Raven's collar. "I don't believe we've met, I'm Cressidia Lane." She said with a polite nod.

"Yes," Raven said. "I heard you were here. Raven Adams. Welcome to Typhon."

"Thank you." Cressidia responded, not entirely sure what to say next. "Have you been here for a long time?" There, a simple question, that should do.

"Just over two years. Captain Darkmoon is the third Captain I've served under on the starbase. We've been here about the same amount of time."

"Sounds like you must know your way around things here pretty well by now then." Cressidia said, thinking for a moment, then continuing. "Have you ever had anything like the incidents that are happening now happen here before?" She asked, she thought it was unlikely, but you never did know.

"No. But I was in a restaurant recently and one of the dinosaurs went from whatever place it was to being quite real. It ran down the promenade."

"I hadn't heard about that one yet... Must have been very interesting. To say the least." Cressidia said. "Has anyone taken care of it yet, made sure it isn't going to hurt people?"

"I don't know. I was at lunch with the Chief of Security. I assume he took care of it. I haven't heard." Which bothered her a bit. She would have to see what happened and if nothing, she'd take matters into her own hands.

"Well, it was nice to meet you. I'm going to find out what they've done with the creature. You don't see a live velocaraptor every day." Cressidia asked. "Will you be accompanying me, or are you headed somewhere else?"

"I can, if you like," Raven said. "I have nothing particular awaiting my attention."

"To the promenade then." Cressidia said with a smile, turning down the corridor in the opposite direction. It seemed like the place to start.


They arrived on the promenade to find that everything had returned to normal. Which wasn't really surprising. It wasn't the first time something odd had occurred here.

A Lieutenant Commander in teal approached the two women. "Excuse me. I'm Marisa Sandoval of the USS Alabama. Could you tell me why there was a dinosaur running loose?"

"That's why we're here," Raven said.

"I'm a scientist. Could I help?" Marisa asked. Before the other two could answer, she continued. "I saw it run off and I'm curious. Plus I'm on shore leave so have some time to help out if you need it."

"We're still trying to figure out what happened," Raven said. "How a dinosaur came from what appeared to be an apparition to a real raptor."

"I could help your science department." An idea had been brewing in teh back of Marisa's mind. A crazy idea. "Or, if you really want, I'd love to help et up an island for the study of dinosaurs. This one would be a great place to start. You know, a Jurassic Park for research purposes."

Raven was about to respond, then paused and considered. "That might not be a bad idea. You'd have to clear it with Starfleet COmmand and Science Ops."

"You know, I may do just that. It might be fun to raise dinosaurs." Grinning, Marisa nodded to the two and headed for the science department.

Cressidia had moved to the railing, looking down to the lower level of the promenade as the other two had spoken, still listening to their conversation. She was far more interested in the dinosaur that was roaming below. People were skirting around it, but mostly ignoring it. When Marisa was gone, she turned back to Raven. "I found it, it's down there."

Raven walked over to the railing and looked down. "Can we transport it to an empty cargo bay? Or if nothing else the brig until we find a more permanent home for it? It's really not at fault here so I'd like to keep it and see if Commander Sandoval can get that island set up."

"Either would do, but since you never know who might need use of a cargo bay, the brig is probably a safer bet." Cressidia said, tapping her comm badge. "Cressidia to transporter room."

"Transporter room. What is it you need?"

"We need you to transport the velocaraptor on the promenade to an empty brig cell." Cressidia waited, there was a pause for a few seconds, the velocaraptor didn't go anywhere. Then she saw the transporter beam start, and the velocaraptor was gone. "Thank you. Cressidia out." She tapped her comm badge again, ending the communication. "Well, let's go check and make sure it's not hungry or thirsty. Or confusing whoever is watching the brig."

== Brig ==

The two women walked into the brig to see security looking a little more agitated than usual.

"You know, we really need a scientist to make sure the dinosaur is well taken care of." It reminded her of the woman on the promenade. She was beginning to think that an island for dinosaurs might not be a bad idea.

They walked up to the cell with the dinosaur and watched as it bashed its body against the forcefield to try and get out. After several tries it gave up and sat in a corner, watching the doorway.

"We need to get it out of here. It'll kill itself trying to get out," Raven said quietly. She went to the nearest computer console and began to search for an empty room large enough for the dinosaur. "Wait, there's one in Intel. It's a holding room for items that need to be processed, but it's currently empty." A few minutes later, the room was set up and the dinosaur beamed away.

"Well, that should work until we can get an island set up."

Marisa walked into the brig shortly after. "I was told the dinosaur was in here."

Raven turned. "It was. I just sent it somewhere safer."

Marisa looked at the cells and nodded. "I talked to someone in the science department. They cleared me to help out. I'm not a paleontologist, but I am an anthropologist and historian. I'm sending a formal request to Starfleet. If they give me the green light, I'll be staying here to oversee the project."

Raven nodded. "It sounds good to me. I really don't know what to feed a dinosaur anyway." She looked to the XO, "if you've no objections, I'd like to take her down to see the dinosaur. Might as well get the two acquainted. If I know Starfleet, they're likely to let her have a shot at it. This is an invaluable opportunity to study the species first-hand."

As the two walked out of the brig, a call came in that two more dinosaurs had been spotted on the starbase. "And I'll make arrangements to house the other two. Looks like we'll need that island sooner than we thought."


Commander Cressidia Lane
Executive Officer
Starbase Typhon

Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant Commander Marisa Sandoval
Chief Counselor/Chief Science Officer
USS Alabama


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