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Posted on Tue Jun 19th, 2012 @ 4:12pm by Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Commander Basil Hart

580 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: [Typhon] Through a Window Darkly
Location: Main Sickbay
Timeline: current

Wilhelm received a mail his yearly physical was due and just shuddered at the thought. 'Maybe I can get one of my combat medics to sign me off?' Wilhelm thought then dismissed it. Arriving at Sickbay he walked in and went to the receptionist. "Is the Doctor in? I believe I have an appointment."

"ah, yes Colonel! I'll let him know you're here!" The pretty nurse said before bustling off to find Basil.

Within moments, Basil was smiling at the colonel. "How are you today, Wilhelm?"

"Ohh not to bad Doctor. Had to put down an overgrown lizard. Yourself?"

Basil grinned as he pulled out his stethoscope and placed it on the Marine's torso, listening. "You have to watch out for those lizards, Wilhelm. One of them might turn out to be poisonous, and it took my staff almost all day to clean up the exam room after the last bout you had with toxins." He then ran a Feinberger over Von Hackenberg and checked the results with a more advanced medical scanner. "Have you been getting enough fluid, Wilhelm? The readings indicate that you're a little dehydrated."

Wilhelm shrugged and gave a guilty smile. "Well I have been drinking more tea and coffee then usual."

Basil gave the Marine a wry look. "You know that stuff'll kill you." He prepared a hypo, and injected its contents into Wilhelm's Carotid Artery. "I had a patient about fifteen years older than you who died of renal failure after refusing several treatments. I was ordered to do an autopsy on him. He had been a heavy tea drinker for decades. His stomach had absorbed enough Tannin to turn it into leather." He put away the hypo. "Now I know that you don't drink that much, but please drink something else to water it down. I've injected you with some Ringer's Lactate to rehydrate you, but I know I won't need to again, right, Marine?" He grinned.

Wilhelm sat straight up at attention, "Aye Aye. Sir!" Wilhelm said with a smile. "Ohh, see anything wrong with my right shoulder? It's been a little achy recently. Though it's probably my age catching up with me."

Basil double-checked his readings and ran the Feinberger over Wilhelm's shoulder. "Well, it looks like you have an old injury there, and there's some inflammation... It's possible that you may have the beginnings of arthritis, but I'll need to run some tests to be sure." He went over to a nearby medical replicator and punched up an order. A small bottle materialized, which he then handed to Wilhelm. "Take one of these anti-inflammatory pills every morning, and it should take away the twinges for a bit. I'll do some in-depth blood work to check your RH factors and any genetic predispositions to Rheumatoid."

Wilhelm took the bottle. "Thank you Doctor. That should be about all my complaints for now until some Nausican tries to bayonet me." Wilhelm says with a chuckle. "Ohh! Most of my Combat Medics are going to be coming in to get their qualifications re-upped. So when you get some time put them through their paces and put them to work for a couple of weeks."

Basil chuckled. "I'll make sure they work up a sweat. Now off you go, and remember to contact me if the anti-inflammatories don't work."

"Oh I will Doctor. Thank you."

Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleburg
CO, 21st Marines
Starbase Typhon

Commander Basil Hart
Chief Medical Officer,
Star Base Typhon


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