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First Order of business

Posted on Fri Jun 8th, 2012 @ 4:14pm by Commodore Lauren Ongaku-Chi

602 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: [Typhon] Through a Window Darkly
Location: Starbase Typhon, Commodore Ongaku-Chi's office

Jane Atwood scowled, as she entered Admiral Ongaku-Chi's Office. It was previously the overgrown ape's office. Jane wasn't entirely sure if this was an improvement.

"The hell do you want?" Was Jane's greeting to the woman. "I'm up to my bra-straps in repairs, ships needing repairs, and slightly unhinged coworkers. I don't have-"

Ongaku-Chi turned, and gave Jane a rather simple look. "That is enough." She interrupted. "I have put up with your insubordinate attitude. So has Commander Skylar, and several others, but it ends, right here, right now. If you bloody well don't want to be in the Fleet anymore, here."

Ongaku-Chi tossed a PADD across her desk. Jane fumbled to catch the hastily thrown projectile.

As of June First, 2389, Acting Lieutenant Jane Atwood has been dishonorably discharged from her position as Acting Assistant Chief Engineer, for gross insubordination, conduct unbecoming a Starfleet Officer, and three charges of assault, against one Lieutenant Lyra Walsh. Please find attached, a list of authorizing signatures.

"A dishonorable discharge, Admiral?" Atwood asked.

Ongaku-Chi nodded. "Which means that all Starfleet-earned credentials, including your pilot license have been invalidated, and any, and all, Starfleet-related incentives, and benefits, have been cut-off."

"Really, Admiral? You are going to play that card?" Atwood asked.

Ongaku-Chi shook her head. "Admiral is not." Ongaku-Chi said, taking a moment to do her unusually messy hair up in a bun. One Pip shone off her collar, instead of the usual four an Admiral wore.

"Ma'am?" Atwood said, uncertainly.

"Commodore." Ongaku-Chi clarified. "Commanding Officer, of Starbase Typhon, and if you want your husband's business license to continue being reinstated, every half year, you will learn a touch of decorum, and respect, in my office, young lady."

There was a school-marmish tone, to her voice, harsher than even Atwood's. It wasn't a common thing Ongaku-Chi used, which made it that much harsher, coming from the woman. Atwood was silenced, at once.

"Now, I don't care if you, and your husband have your little scrap-parts shop on the promenade, and I don't care if Skylar, or whoever, occasionally enlists your help, repairing some odd thing, or another, but you will be courteous to the officers and staff of this Starbase, or I'll have the Security department throw you in the brig, for a week, and then I'll evict you, and your husband, from my Starbase. Are we clear?" Ongaku-Chi asked/demanded.

"Uh..." Atwood stammered, unaccustomed to being out-Atwood'd.

"A simple nod, or shake of your head, is all that's needed. I understand that it's a bit much to take in, for one of such a limited intelligence, as yours." Ongaku-Chi noted, in a sour tone.

"Uhm... yeah. I get you." Atwood said, annoyed. "Would you too terribly mind, if I got out of your office, now?"

"No. Get out. I don't want to see your face, or hear your name, or read your name in a report, for at least a week." Ongaku-Chi said, dismissively.

"Yes, ma'am." Atwood said, taking no time to vacate the Commodore's Office.

"That should make things a bit quieter, around here." Ongaku-Chi said, reviewing the personnel roster. Her eyes settled on another name on the crew roster file, and pondered how best to deal with it.

Lyra Walsh.

Ongaku-Chi withdrew a flask of vodka, from her bra, unscrewed the cap, took and took a swig. She looked back at Lyra's name, and shook her head. "Screw it." She said. She drained the flask, in the next go.


Commodore Ongaku-Chi
Commanding Officer,
Starbase Typhon

Jane Atwood
Callsito Salvage, Incorporated.


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