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Raptor Rampage

Posted on Sat Jun 2nd, 2012 @ 9:06pm by Commander Buck Ducati & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg

552 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: [Typhon] Through a Window Darkly

Leonardo had to grab a phaser rifle at the nearest weapons locker before he went to chase the raptor. He quickly made an announcement. "This is Security, all hands watch out for a dinosaur," he said and waited for any officers to report the whereabouts of the Dino.

Down in the Marine HQ, Wilhelm heard the announcement and shook his head, "Things just keep getting weirder.." Wilhelm said and put on his web gear he kept piled in the corner and grabbed a TR style shotgun loaded with slugs out of his locker. Working the action he chambered a round and locked the safety on. Hitting his COMM, "All available Marines to form up into Squads and start searching the station on the double!"

Within a few minutes Wilhelm led a fully armed squad onto the Concourse where the large reptile was last seen. Wilhelm did have to admit he liked it when all the civilians parted like the Red Sea for a group of heavily armed Marines moving in step. After half a circuit Wilhelm found nothing.

=^= Security! I have a dinosaur in my shop! =^=

Leo tried not to chuckle as he called for all security teams to meet and close off all the promenade exits.

He tapped his combadge. "Rayon to Hackleberg, the raptor is on the first level of the Promenade. I'll meet you there." The security tactical chief grabbed a rifle from the nearby weapons locker and started running to the turbolifts.

== Promenade ==

The dinosaur was lunging around at things and gnawing at those things. The majority of the starbase population where all running around finding hiding places.

Leo exited a turbolift and found a few of the security officers taking up defensive positions ready to fire on the raptor. He tapped his combadge. "Rayon to security teams, fire." He ordered as he too pressed the trigger on his rifle.

Wilhelm heard the phaser rounds going off and broke into a trot. Skidding to a stop Wilhelm jaw hung down for a half second as an honest to God dinosaur stood in front of the security personnel. Wilhelm lowered his weapon and fired.

The dinosaur lunged over the security personnel and ran for the new arrivals, though being shot at by Leo and his personnel from behind.

Wilhelm seen the dinosaur lunge then run right for him and his men. "Pulsewaves." Wilhelm ordered as the Marines hit the selector switches on their rifles. The marines with TR rifles took aim as well. As the dinosaur neared quickly the Colonel shouted. "FIRE!" pulse blasts hit the dino and drove it back in pain as bullets materialized from the air to hit it. The beast roarded in pain and anger.

Leo signaled for his teams to close in from behind and began firing again. The raptor tried to escape by doing some turns to find a way out but collapsed due to too much pain. Several moments later the dinosaur went limp and the security team members slowly surrounded it.

"Good job," Leo said to the Colonel as he approached the Marine Commander.

"To you and your men as well. Tough little reptile." Wilhelm said.

Leo nodded.


Lieutenant Commander Leonardo Rayon
Chief of Security and Tactical Officer
SB Typhon

Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleburg
CO, 21st Marines
Starbase Typhon


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