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Posted on Wed Aug 29th, 2012 @ 4:35am by Commander Billy Jo Rhodes

708 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: The Enemy Within: Typhon is Missing!
Location: Athena Shipyards
Timeline: After Typhon disappears and before Calypso leaves


Mandy stood near a window on Athena. It was too bad she hadn't gotten a chance to see Cressidia before Typhon had disappeared, she had been looking forward to having some drinks with her sister. Maybe once all this was sorted out, they could get a chance to spend an evening together.

Billy Jo saw the girl looking a little forlorn. "Hi, darlin'. I'm Billy Jo. What brings you to Athena?"

"I'm waiting for the Calypso, it's my next assignment." Mandy said, turning toward Billy Jo. "Am I right in assuming that you are assigned here?" Mandy asked, wondering exactly what sort of things they did here on Athena on the normal day.

"I sure am. I'm in charge of personnel. I see that jobs get filled and folks are happy." She looked proudly around the shipyards. "I helped get crew to build Athena. Ain't she a beauty?" Billy jo turned back to Mandy. "What brings you here?"

"To the window?" Mandy said, thinking that must be what he meant now. "Well, I was just looking out at the stars I suppose. Wondering where Typhon could be..." She said, trailing off a bit. "It's definetly a nice place you've got here. Very new." New being the only word she could really use to accurately describe the place. It was nice, though engineering had never really been her thing. She smiled at the thought of how much of a field day Conner would have here.

"To Athena," Billy Jo corrected. "It is a nice place. It turned out a lot better than I thought it would." She looked out the window for a moment. "Honey, I wish I knew what happened. One minute it was there, the next it was gone. The brass are beside themselves trying to figure this one out."

"Well, maybe they'll figure it out before the Calypso gets here, that's what I'm waiting for after all. It's my next assignment." Mandy explained, much happier on the subject of her new assignment than that of the missing Typhon.

"The Calypso's here. Been here for six weeks now. It's the ship's Captain that's missing. Captain, First Officer and a good chunk of hte senior staff," Billy Jo explained.

"Hmm. Well I only arrived yesterday, I'm not too surprised that I hadn't heard." Mandy said with a shrug. At least she could start moving her things into her new quarters on the Calypso with this new information. "Mind if I ask directions to get there?" She said, thinking that Billy Jo must know her way around the place.

"Not at all. In fact, I can take you there. I need to speak with Admiral Burke. She's currently on the ship," the woman replied. "So, where are you from?"

"Well, I am Bajoran, but I grew up on Lunar Colony One." Mandy started, standing up from where she had rested on a railing and straightening her uniform. "I've been working as a doctor there for a few years, but I got bored. So I requested reassignement, and here I am."

"Well, this is a good place to be, if you ask me." Billy Jo grinned. She wasn't so sure when she was first assigned to Athena, but now that she'd been here awhile she couldn't think of a better place to work.

Mandy gave a small laugh. "Well at least the people are friendly here." She paused. "Should we get going to the Calypso? I've got a good deal of settling in it looks like."

"Sure thing, honey," Billy Jo said cheerfully. "Follow me."

She led the younger woman through the complex, greeting people here and there as she went. Finally, she stopped at an umbilical. "Here she is. Do you need me to go on board with you or are you okay for now?"

"Thanks, I should be good from here." Mandy said, raising her hand in a wave. "See you later?" She said, phrasing it as a question.

"Sure! I'll buy you a drink once your'e settled," the older woman promised.

"Alright, I'll hold you too that." Mandy said with a smile before disappearing into the ship to find her quarters.


Commander Billy Jo Rhodes
Personnel Manager
Athena Shipyards

Ensign Mandy Lane
USS Calypso


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