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[Columbia] Sabotage

Posted on Tue Sep 4th, 2012 @ 2:47pm by Miral Annhwi & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg

668 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: The Enemy Within: Typhon is Missing!
Location: USS Columbia


The nav system beeped time to drop out of warp and start the approach to the Columbia dropped out of warp and began its approach to Tiberius V. All systems looked good and it appeared to be a routine trip to the planet when alarms began to sound.

"Report!" Captain Claire barked.

Wilhelm glanced over at the ships status display, "Board is showing total loss of power to all maneuvering systems. There is also some sort of severe damage to the impulse manifolds."

Captain Claire stood up and walked over to Tactical. "Get back control. We need to land this ship on Tiberius V."

"Power buildup, Captain. I can't shut it down."

"Umm...that's not Tiberius V. We're not where we're supposed to be."

Just then the tactical console exploded, throwing the Captain across the room.

Miral hurried over to her and checked her vitals. "She's alive, but needs medical treatment." She stood and tapped a comm panel. "Bridge to sickbay, get a medical team here immediately. The Captain has been injured."

"Systems are shutting down across the grid."

Miral signaled to a yeoman to take care of the Captain and hurried over to Claire's chair. "We need to get the ship down before everything fails and we end up crashing into the sun."

"The sun?" the science officer repeated.

"If we continue on our current course, we will crash into the sun in twenty minutes. Set a course for the planet." She looked down at her display. If they changed course now, they could land on Tiberius IV.

"Send out a distress signal and take us down. Make sure you land on the rocks," Miral ordered. She didn't care that she knew more about the system than she probably should. Right now it was more important to get the ship down safely.

Wilhelm hit the all hands communication grid. "All hands get into the core areas of the ship and brace for atmospheric entry and crash landing. Secure the outer decks!"

All non-essential personnel began to scramble to find refuge in the center of the ship. Miral was pleased to see how orderly the Starfleet personnel were as they shut down their stations and left the bridge.

"Shields at maximum," she ordered. "Reroute unnecessary power to navigation. I want that back online."

Wilhelm worked the the controls in front of him, "All power from weapon systems and life support in the outer areas rerouted into navigation, shields and structural integrity. Rerouting additional systems as well."

Miral had never worked with the Marine before, as he wasn't assigned to any of the diplomatic functions and she tended to avoid security types, but this one appeared to be quite competent. If the gods smiled on them, they might make a soft landing. If they didn't, it was quite possible they'd end up scattered in a million fragments across the planet.

Her thoughts turned briefly to Khiy. There was so much unsaid between them... So many things she still wanted to stay. Her training kicked in as her mind jumped back to the task at hand. No. She would not let things end like this. Not if she could help it. "

"Do we have helm control?" she asked the Colonel.

"Warp drive is out of the question. It looks like only one eighth impulse and maneuvering thrusters are available. It's just enough to keep us from burning up in the sun but we wont be able maintain orbit. At least we can control our descent onto the planet though." Wilhelm cringed at the thought of crash landing something this big.

"That will have to be enough. Forward shields at maximum. Maneuvering thrusters and impulse engunes at full reverse to slow our descent. Aim for the rocks and pray to what3er gods you believe in," she said to Wilhelm. "All power to shields and maneuvering thrusters and brace for impact."


Captain Claire
USS Columbia

Miral Tal'Aura Annhwi
Romulan Ambassador

Baron Wilhelm Von Hackleberg
Marine CO
Starbase Typhon


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