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[Typhon] Life Goes On

Posted on Thu Oct 4th, 2012 @ 9:03am by Captain Cressidia Lane & Chief Petty Officer Richard Meagher [Folami]

1,043 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: The Enemy Within: Typhon is Missing!
Location: Schoolroom


Jade sighed as she looked over the barren room that was to become her schoolroom. She knew her things were being brought by someone from star fleet, probably a lower rank officer or NCO.

Rick felt violated. First he had been assigned transport, now he was being used as cheap labor. He struggled against the heavy cart loaded with school supplies and labored down the corridor, stewing in deep, dark vexation.

"Ah, good." Jade said as an officer wearing yellow with one of the petty officer ranks came in with her things. She could never remember which ranks went with what words exactly, but she did know that it was a petty officer something or other that was carrying her things. "Could you bring them over here please?" She instructed, moving towards the corner of the room, making sure that she motioned to the best place for them so that she could unload them.

Ricky pushed the heavy cart laboriously across the room, fuming the whole time. He couldn't see the teacher woman whose things these were, and he didn't care. Who was she to order him around as if the crap he was carrying was feather-light?
"Is that all, ma'am?" he asked crossly.

"Not unless you want to stay and help me unload. Thanks for bringing them in for me." Jade replied genuinely. She could see the man wasn't exactly the happiest about bringing her things, and with all the excitement on Typhon lately, she imagined that he probably had better things to do than to hang teaching posters and writing screens on the walls.

Rick was fully prepared to ditch the teacher lady and go back to banging his head on his transporter control console, but as he peeked around the heaping cart to say as much, he saw her. And she was CUUUUTE.
"Sure, no problem," he said, and winked.

"Good." Jade said, pulling the first box off of the top of the cart. "Start unloading, I'll tell you where to put things once it's all out." Jade was completely impervious to the wink, having been focusing on the task at hand. Unlocking the box, she started pulling out the rolled up posters that she would use to decorate her room.

Rick began unloading with renewed vigor, not particularly concentrating on the contents. He was thinking up good pickup lines, trying to customize them to her educational profession. Whenever his face was hidden by something large, he practiced his rakish grin.
"So," he said, with what he hoped was a roguish smirk on his lips. "Who do I have the pleasure of assisting?"

"Jade Monroe. As you can tell I'm the new teacher on board." She said, taking some tape from the very bottom of the box she was working on, and beginning to arrange the posters on the barren white walls, leaving space for her large, if old fashioned, whiteboard in the front. She liked to be able to actually write things down while she taught.

"Chief Petty Officer Ricky Meagher," said Rick with pomp.

"I have to thank you again for helping out, it really is gracious of you." Jade said politely, this comment leading onto her further conversation topic, "Your parents must have raised you well."

Rick almost laughed aloud at this. "They tried, bless their souls. But I sort of turned out to be a no-good ruffian with devilish good looks, if you don't mind me saying." He grinned a rakish grin and winked again.

"Well, maybe you'll be able to settle down someday." Jade said, her idle thoughts flowing to her own rambunctious son, and hoping that he would be able to 'settle down' someday. It was really too bad that the station had left the way it had, so suddenly. She started on the next box, the cart was nearly empty now. On the bottom she could see her whiteboard where it had been put when she loaded the cart.

Rick made a startled face. "Settle down? When I settle down, I'll be settling down six feet under. I live to move, Miz Monroe. There's a reason I'm called Ricochet." Rick grinned again and cocked an eyebrow at her. "So, are you busy later this evening? You look like the type of girl who could show a guy a good time."

"Well, I'm not doing anything, school probably won't be starting until after Typhon is back in its rightful place after all." Jade said, sounding a bit hesitant. She wasn't used to getting to go out much, since the places she usually went weren't really places for women, or children for that matter, to be out and about.

"Then would you like to make the best of it and let a guy buy you a drink?" said Rick suavely. He'd gone out with the scholarly types before, enjoyed them even, but he'd never taken a full proper teacher out before. He hoped he could turn any lectures he might receive into interesting items of conversation. That was one of his gifts, he reflected idly.

Jade thought for a moment, a drink would do well to calm her nerves, both from the disappearance and the pending opening of the school. "I suppose." She said graciously. "I hear Jake's Bar is a great place for that." Jade took the last box off of the cart, and set it by her feet. Then she took the first section of the large, three section, whiteboard and propped it up against the front wall, repeating this with the other two parts and finally the rim on the bottom. She would need some tools for putting it up, so she could do that tomorrow.

"Jake's Bar, eh?" said Rick speculatively. He smiled to himself and went through his mental inventory of charm and wittiness. He had a few tried-and-true tactics that worked on the girls every time. "Consider it a date." He grinned and winked again.

"I'll see you later then. I'm off to engineering to make sure I can get the tools for the board tomorrow." Jade said, ushering the younger officer out of the door and locking the doors behind him.


Jade Monroe
Starbase Typhon

Chief Petty Officer Richard Evan Meagher
Transporter Specialist
Starbase Typhon


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