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[Columbia] The Coming Storm

Posted on Sat Oct 6th, 2012 @ 5:38am by Miral Annhwi & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Commander Buck Ducati
Edited on on Sat Oct 6th, 2012 @ 5:41am

987 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: The Enemy Within: Typhon is Missing!
Location: Tiberius IV


Ronnie followed Wilhelm through the crack in the hull and into the cave beyond. The Columbia was fortunate to land on the rocks. If they'd landed on the sand there would be no chance of survival. At least here they could get out of the ship and into relative safety.

Wilhelm led them into a cavern after going through a small tunnel in the rock. "Our little summer cottage..." Wilhelm said looking around the large interior.

Miral was attending to one of the wounded. She stood when she heard the Marine and walked over to them. She nodded to the newcomers. "Welcome. How do you wish to evacuate the wounded?"

Ronnie tapped her combadge. "Lancaster to Calypso." There was no response. She tried again, then looked to the Romulan. "Looks like we either take them back to the Columbia and transport them to the ship, or take them to the shuttle."

Miral sighed. "I do not like moving them, but if we must, we must."

Wilhelm clipped in, "We have to get those three critical casualties out first they're probably gonna need immediate surgery."

Miral pulled two makeshift stretchers out of a side cave. "All right. Let's get them to a doctor."

With the help of several others, Miral loaded two of the injured onto the stretchers and looked at Wilhelm and Ronnie. "We will follow you."

Eamon and Marek each assisted one of the injured either by supporting them walking or being one of the stretcher carriers.

Ronnie led the way back to the Columbia. "Lancaster to Calypso."

"Calypso here," a male voice responded.

"Two to beam directly to sickbay."

She indicated which two and watched while they dematerialized. "Okay. Let's get the rest."

When all the injured had been transported, she looked at Wilhelm and Miral. "Shall we see what's in the caves?"

"Nothing of interest," Miral replied. "At least, nothing where we were."

Ronnie nodded. "I'd still like to have a look around while we gather up the rest of the survivors and find out what happened."

Miral nodded and led the group back to the caves.


Doctor Jason Hart materialized on the surface with a duffel bag hanging over his shoulder. He followed the trail to the cave and peered inside. Hearing his crewmember's voices, he followed it.

Ronnie looked up. "Doctor Hart. Welcome." She indicated where the rest of the injured sat. "Please take care of them."

She turned to Miral. "What happened?"

She eyed the Federation Officer for a moment. "I am not sure. Navigation failed, then other systems began to fail. We were fortunate to survive the landing."

Ronnie nodded. That went along with what they'd seen so far. "Do you know why?"

Miral shook her head. "When the systems failed it was more important to survive than to find out why."

Jason noted the injured as he used his tricorder to do the scans. "What happened?" He hoped that someone would tell him the cause of their injuries.

"The ship crashed on the planet," Miral said succinctly.

"Oh," he responded quickly. He didn't spend too much time doing a full assessment on the patients, knowing that they need to be transported right away. "We need to transport them, STAT. Our ship has better equipment than the ones that I have for basic evaluation." Seeing that someone came over to help with the lifting, he nodded for the person to move the patient. "Call for transport again for these four patients."

Ronnie nodded and led the four back to the Columbia and had them transported back to the ship.

It took two tries to get them up. Ronnie could hear the sound of wind whipping around the ship. Occasionally a strong gust hit it and it rocked back and forth on the rock. "Great," she muttered. "Lancaster to Calypso. Storm's coming. I'll take everyone I can into the caves until it blows over."

"Roger, Lancaster. Calypso out."

Damon walked back onto the bridge, hearing the last of Ronnie's conversation. "I'll be heading back to the Calypso. I found something I need to show Sam."

"Are you sure it's safe?" Ronnie asked. "It took two tries to get the last group transported."

"Then I'd better go now," he said. He tapped on his combadge. "Raine to Calypso. One to beam up."

The transporter started and faded twice before it finally took the Captain back to the ship.

Ronnie waited for several moments to make sure everything was okay before she gathered up anything that looked important and headed back to the caves.

"Sounds like another sandstorm is coming," she informed the others. "We'll need to stay in here until it passes."

"Did you bring rations? Who knows how long it'll last." Eamon said. "Oh and water," he added as if an afterthought.

Marek sat down against the cave wall and began picking apart his tricorder and once all in pieces he would put it back together again.

She blinked. "No. I didn't think of bringing food or water. If I remember, there should be some sort of underground water supply. That should tide us over until the storm eases and we can get to the shuttle. Does anyone know if there are any sort of creatures in the caves? Anything but the sand worms?"

"Because of the injured, we did not explore the lower caves," Miral said.

"Perhaps now would be a good time? We'll wait for the others to join us, then send a team to look for water and perhaps food."


Lieutenant JG Ronnie Lancasater
Assistant Chief Science Officer
USS Calypso

Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
Marine CO
Starbase Typhon

Miral Tal'Aura Annhwi
Romulan Ambassador
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant Eamon Lynx
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Calypso

Lieutenant JG Jason Hart
USS Calypso

Lieutenant JG Marek Lovok
Assistant Chief Engineer
USS Calypso

Captain Damon Raine
Mission Advisor
USS Calypso


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