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[Columbia] Infestation! (part 1)

Posted on Mon Oct 22nd, 2012 @ 4:24pm by Miral Annhwi & Commander Buck Ducati
Edited on on Mon Oct 22nd, 2012 @ 4:26pm

284 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: The Enemy Within: Typhon is Missing!
Location: Tiberius IV


Miral watched the group disappear down one of the tunnels before turning to face the group that remained. "It behooves us to search the immediate area. If there is some sort of creature here, I would rather find it before it finds us."

Marek went with the first group while Eamon remained behind. "Behooves?" The Inaran asked.

"It's a fancy way for sayin' it's in our best interests so we don't end up dead." Bauer replied checking over his weapon.

"Indeed," Miral said.

Kara stopped beside the others. "Let's have a look at what we have here."

"What have you got there Sergeant?" Eamon walked over to Kara.

"I think we should look for a tunnel up to the top of this rock formation. If we can find something that lets us out closer to the shuttle, we can save ourselves a trip through the Columbia," she said.

Just then they heard a great gust of wind from the direction of the starship. Then a grinding, scraping sound like someone scraping metal on rock. Kara looked at Eamon before darting down the tunnel towards the Columbia.

The force of the wind blowing into the tunnel almost knocked her over twice. She didn't dare go all the way to the cave opening, but she didn't need to. From twenty meters away she could see the sandstorm. She turned back to inform the others.

"The Columbia is gone. I think the wind blew it off the rocks."

(To be continued...)

Miral Tal'Aura Annhwi
Romulan Ambassador
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant Eamon Lynx
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Calypso

Staff Sergeant Kara Melo
Alpha Platoon Leader
USS Calypso

USS Calypso


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