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[Columbia] Ghostly Waters (part 2)

Posted on Sun Oct 28th, 2012 @ 9:41am by Commander Raven Adams & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
Edited on on Sun Oct 28th, 2012 @ 9:48am

1,077 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: The Enemy Within: Typhon is Missing!
Location: Tiberious IV



Amarylis shook her head as the two were joking around when a possible threat lay before them. This is how people die she thought to herself.


Ronnie fought the urge to elbow him in the ribs. She was NOT going to ignore the ghostly apparition. She was curious. She tapped her combadge. "Lancaster to York."

There was no response. "Lancaster to York."

Again. No response. "Looks like we've lost communications with the ship. So, I'm going to assume I have the Captain's blessing and go forward." She turned to Cam. "Do we have what we need to create the containment field?"

"Thats a cop out and you know it." Damion replied as he let out a sigh and uncrossed his arms. "You know damn well, if the Captain was down here she would be following her scientist instincts and doing the same thing. So you're doing this for you, Ronnie. Next time don't even bother trying to call."

Ronnie's temper rose. What did he think he was doing? "That's WHY I called. Because I knew Sam would be interested. And she would have some good ideas on how to proceed. You, on the other hand, are a pig-headed Neanderthal. I will find out what that thing is. You can help, get out of the way, or go soak your head, just quit interfering in my work."

"Then go through protocol." Damion looked over to Cameron and Amarylis. "Go upside and see if you can get a hold of York. Let her know about this situation and what her thoughts are on proceeding." He looked back to Ronnie. "Until we get that response, we don't move. Clear Lieutenant?"

"No, we are not clear, Lieutenant. I am well within my rights as acting Chief Science Officer to investigate. We're here to rescue the crew of the Columbia AND find out what happened. That entity may hold a key to this mystery and I intend to solve it. So, if you will excuse me, I've got work to do." She pushed past him and went over to the small pile of equipment to see if there was anything she could use to create a containment field. She hoped Master Sergeant Bourne had some tricks up his sleeve to help her.

"Then I am pulling rank!" Damion yelled as he turned around, looking as frustrated and angry as before. As the Highest ranking senior officer I am telling you that this does not move forward without getting work back from Captain York." He started to walk over to her, staring into her eyes with his own angry gaze. "I recall giving you an order Master Sergeant!"

"I reject your order, Lieutenant. Write me up if you wish, but I'll counter your charges with interfering in the lawful duty of a fellow officer and criminal misconduct. So, get out of my way."

Amarylis walked over to Damion and leaned towards his ear. "And that is why people die sir." she whispered.

Damion looked sharply over to Amarylis. "I heard you the first time, Sergeant." He snaped at her, unexpectedly sending a hostel and angry feeling telepathically at her.

Amarylis shot a surprised look at Damion. His thoughts had radiated to her, she had not thought him a telepath. "My apologies sir, I must not have been clear, geeks being curious are why people die." she whispered once again.

Damion turned and faced Amarylis. He was still angry, but this time he was focused on her. "What did you say? If I were you I would watch what you say about her in front of me. Last thing you want is to deal with me. Next time you decide to run your mouth about her you hold your tongue, because I will have no problem putting you down." He narrowed his eyes slightly and then stared at her a while before looking over Ronnie again.

Amarylis scowled. He was either severely bipolar or he loved the girl. "Sorry sir, I'm not afraid of the big bad wolf." she replied mockingly walking away.

Just then Kara hurried down the tunnel. "Colonel von Hackleberg, there's a sandstorm outside. The Columbia is lost. I believe it was blown into the sand."

Ronnie gave Damion an angry glare. There would be no way to communicate with the Captain now and Damion's order to wait for her approval was moot. It could take days for the storm to clear and she was not about to sit on her hands when the entity could be the answer to what was going on. She'd rather risk charges now than regret her inaction later.

"It could be days before the storm clears," Ronnie announced. "Thank you for the information, Staff Sergeant."

Kara nodded, looking from Damion to Ronnie. There was obviously something going on, but she wasn't going to ask what.

Damion looked over to Kara and then back to Ronnie. He knew very well he wasn't going to right her up, as a matter of fact, he had no objections with her doing what she needed to do. He hated acting like this, but he couldn't turn away now. Not after he knew what was really at steak. He kept his angry tone and walked back over to Ronnie. He grabbed her arm and turned her around to face him. "The moment this turns back to burn your face... Don't come looking to me for help! Cause I won't save you, Ronnie." He paused and looked around at everyone else before looking back at her. "Fair warning. Don't burn any more bridges between us. You wont like the reaction." He let go of her arm slowly and looked into her eyes.

She pulled away from him and glared. "Trust me, I won't be turning to you for anything." How dare he prevent her from doing her job? How dare he treat her this way in public? What was wrong with the man? Right now, she didn't have time -- or inclination -- to find out.

(To be continued...)

Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
Marine CO
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant Damion Wolfe
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Calypso

Lieutenant JG Ronnie Lancaster
Assistant Chief Science Officer
USS Calypso

Master Sergeant Cameron Bourne
Delta Platoon Leader
USS Calypso

Staff Sergeant Kara Melo
Alpha Platoon Leader
USS Calypso

Sergeant Amarylis Beckinsale
USS Calypso


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