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[Columbia] Rooting out the Xenomorphs

Posted on Thu Nov 15th, 2012 @ 5:08am by Miral Annhwi & Commander Buck Ducati
Edited on on Thu Nov 15th, 2012 @ 5:10am

1,066 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: The Enemy Within: Typhon is Missing!


Kara sat down on a blanket in the cavern used as a base camp and sighed. Two score more "survivors" of the Columbia had been found. Each one infected with Borg nanites. With them were five times as many of the spider-like creatures.

A second cavern was now filled with sleeping crew from the Columbia. And Corporal Peters. A medic and a Marine were assigned to keep an eye on the group and make sure no one woke up unexpectedly. The last thing they wanted was a Borg running loose. Well, there were obviously a number of Borg running loose, but if they could be kept from running loose within the base camp, it would insure that the group would get back to the Calypso in one piece. And the doctors could reclaim the Borg drones.

Kara stretched out and let one of the medics scan her. All clear. "If I never see another spider in my life it'll be too soon."

“I’m not too fond of damn creepy crawlies myself.” Doc replied as he finished scanning one of the other team members.

"Ugh! The fact that they look like spiders is bad enough. Knowing they're full of Borg nanites is worse. With these bugs you get any guts on you, you become Borg. If it weren't for the humanoids I'd torch the place and be done with it."

Jourdan looked over her rifle as she looked down for more of the horrible Xenomorphs. She stopped and held up her hand.
"Can you hear that?" Jourdan asked.

"Hear what?" Maria asked. She listened carefully to see if she could hear what Jourdan heard.

"Sounds like crying" Jourdan said as she lowered her rifle a little and pulled out her tricorder. "I'm getting faint life sign readings from a cavern, not too far from here. There seems to be a blockade by some sort of rockfall" Jourdan explained.

"Be careful. It could be a trap," Maria cautioned. With all the spiders, who knew how many Borgettes were in the caves.

When they reached the rockfall the roof had collapsed in and the crying could be heard louder.
"Lets clear these rocks. Maybe we can see who's on the other side" Jourdan said.

Miral, who came along because she was afraid the foolish Fleetie would not be prepared to do what was necessary if they fould someone injured and full of nanites, raised her phaser and began to disintegrate one rock at a time, careful not to cause a rockfall or injure anyone.

When there was a path, Miral turned to Maria. "Make sure whoever is over there is free from nanites. Otherwise, you know what to do."

Maria nodded and followed Jourdan.

Miral stared at Maria for a moment. Then, reassured that the other woman could shoot someone if necessary, turned and headed back to the main camp.

"How could whoever it is not be infected? They have been here longer then we have with those spiders." Eamon offered with a hint of regret.

"It's doubtful, but we still need to scan everyone," Maria replied.

The sounds of intermittent crying led them around a large boulder. A small girl was pinned beneath it. "Wait," Maria said, scanning the girl. "Okay. No signs of nanites. So, how are we going to get her out? My choice is to disintegrate the boulder."

Doc took a medical scan, “Great idea if you want to cause compartment syndrome.” Doc said after looking at the results. “If you want a quick fix then I recommend amputation, which at this point may be the only variable option.” Doc said grimly.

"But if we disintegrate the rock, we can get her out without the need for amputation," Kara said. "Wouldn't it be easier to repair her leg than replace it with a cybernetic one?"

Maria nodded in agreement. "There's no need to put the kid through the trauma of amputation if it isn't necessary."

“I wouldn’t suggest it lightly but the damage to her leg is pretty severe and the instant that weight comes off her leg the toxins that have built up will flood her system if she on the table in sickbay her odds would be 60/40 at best, compartment syndrome isn’t the only problem either since at least one bone is broken we have to worry about fat embolisms and other complications, but just maybe an old method might and I stress might get her out of here with having to amputate.” Doc said as he opened his kit and began looking through it.

"It's worth a try," Maria said. "As soon as you're ready, we'll remove the boulder."

Doc searched in his kit for a few seconds before pulling a tourniquet, he placed on the woman’s leg about eight inches above were the bolder was laying and tightened it as he could “this is going to hurt.” he said to her in his most reassuring away and nodded to Maria.


Miral watched as the group carried a child into the cavern and lay her on a blanket. "Is she safe?" she asked bluntly.

"Yes. I scanned her twice," Maria said.

Miral was still skeptical. How could a child be unaffected when everyone they'd met was filled with Borg nanites? She pulled out her tricorder and scanned the girl herself. The readings were off, but perhaps that was due to the trauma. Miral had no real experience with children. Still, there was no sign of nanites. She nodded and turned to the medic take care of her.

Miral wished desperately they could go in search of the cause of this infestation of Borg. There had to be something here on this planet. Somewhere, there had to be a Borg complex. If only the storm would pass so she could get the personnel necessary to search the caves.

Perhaps von Hackleberg would have better luck than she. Not for the first time she wished there were more soldiers on the planet. More Marines, more security, more guns. At least then their odds of survival would be better.


Staff Sergeant Kara Melo
Alpha Platoon Leader
USS Calypso

Ensign Maria Delgado
Science Officer

Petty Officer First Class Samuel "Doc" Renfroe
USS Calypso

Miral Tal'Aura Annhwi
Romulan Ambassador
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant Jourdan Abbott
Chief Engineer
USS Calypso

Lieutenant Eamon Lynx
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Calypso
USS Calypso


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