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[Typhon] And So It Begins

Posted on Wed Nov 21st, 2012 @ 5:29pm by Commander Raven Adams & Captain Cressidia Lane & Commander Buck Ducati & Chief Petty Officer Richard Meagher [Folami] & Staff Sergeant Otto Krupp [Wilhelm]

842 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: The Enemy Within: Typhon is Missing!



Cressidia tried to remain calm as the shuttle was pulled into whatever it was that was pulling them in. She figured it was some sort of ship, maybe a space station of some sort, but her bet would have been on a ship. There was a slight energy fluctuation as the shuttle passed some sort of barrier, that she assumed to be the cloak. The place they had been pulled into was a mid-sized shuttlebay, though certainly not of Federation origins, given that the shuttles looked... Scavenged. At best. "Well... Looks like we're here. Wherever 'here' is." She said as the shuttle was parked in the shuttlebay. Outside, she saw the big doors slide shut. She had a feeling they wouldn't be leaving soon.

Otto whistled, "Those are some mighty thick doors... Even if I could get to them I couldnt blast us a way out." Otto then walked back to the rear hatch of the shuttle and placed a claymore square on the floor and armed it. "Well if anything comes through that door their gonna get a big surprise." Otto said then double checked the shuttle's shields so they couldn't be beamed out. He also took an extra phaser rifle out of the storage container and handed it to Cressidia. "Get any range time recently?"

"Not in since before we came here." Cressidia said, taking the phaser rifle from Otto. "But I was a decent shot. Keep it non-lethal if you can, you never know what we're up against."

From the command center, the two were being carefully monitored. The purpose wasn't to take prisoners, but to assess. The plan had been in place for months now, each step carefully executed. Now, to monitor these two for a short time, allow them to be infected by the nanites, then let them go. Blowing themselves up, however, was not part of the plan. The mine was unexpected, but not too large a deterrent. They would simply have to bide their time.

They were very good at waiting.

Otto looked over the ships in the Bay with them through the viewport of the shuttle. "Thats a Breen gunboat over there." Otto said pointing. "Theres a Tholian ship. Tholian space is a long ways off. Looks like something cut through their hull..." Otto said squinting closer then went over to the console and brought up the library. Paging through photos he stopped on one. "We're in so much trouble. We gotta get out of here!" The picture was labeled: Damage to USS Melbourne, Aftermath of Battle of Wolf 359.

"Was might be the better word for it, seeing as we still don't know where in blazes we are." Cressidia said, shifting nervously as she watched the shuttle door carefully for any signs of change. When Otto mentioned leaving she couldn't agree more. "Leaving sounds like a plan. The question is how." Cressidia returned to her station, then moved to Otto's, remembering that hers was disfunctional. "Shall we try the doors?"

The lights dimmed briefly. There was now a red glow around the outside doors to the shuttle bay. There would be no getting out that way.

Otto looked over at the doors, "Well that's not good." Otto said firing up his console. "They have some sort of dampening field around the bay but i can burn through it with the line-of-sight sensors. There seems to be a weak point in the hull over on the far side. We could make it over to that Breen gunboat and rig her to blow on that spot. It'll be messy but it might get us out. Though there is corridors nearby we could cut into and float over and try to find a way out that way. Or... we can just overload our reactors and see what we can wreck that way."

[Transporter Room]

"Come on Chief, let's go beam to Operations." Leonardo said to Richard.

"After you," said Rick, indicating the pad with a wave of his hand. He entered the location and trotted over to take his place next to the lieutenant commander.
"Hey, you got a name?" asked Rick.

"I'm Leo," he replied.

"Rick," Rick said. They dematerialized. Rick was secretly pleased that his introduction was so dramatic.

[Shuttlebay, Starbase Typhon]

No one paid much attention to an extra shuttle arriving with the scout team. THere were so many shuttles manned by a ragtag bunch or both civilian and military that an extra shuttle or pair of pilots went unnoticed.

The two followed proper procedure, parking their shuttle amid a score of others, ran the post-flight checks and exited, casually.

They'd reviewed hundreds of flights and scenarios, they knew exactly how to react to any given situation. Now, they needed to check out and head to the lower decks and a good bar. There, they would begin the seeding process.


Commander Cressidia Lane
Executive Officer

Staff Sergeant Otto Krupp

Lieutenant Commander Leonardo Rayon
Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Chief Petty Officer Richard Meagher
Transporter Specialist

Writer of Borg
NPCd by Raven


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