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Counsellor Reporting

Posted on Thu Jan 14th, 2010 @ 10:00am by Commander Dhindara Vrel & Commodore Edward Fannin

699 words; about a 3 minute read

Location: OPS
Timeline: current


Dhindara walked into Ops, heading up to see Captain Fannin. She tapped on his shoulder. "Good morning, Sir. I'm Dhindara Vrel, your new counsellor." The Betazoid woman held out her hand to him.

"Welcome Counselor." Fannin took her hand, I hope your journey to Typhon went well Commander."

"I've been on worse trips", Dhindara replied. "It took longer than expected but that gave me time to study the crew's personnel files, at least as far as the senior officers are concerned. I hope the previous counsellor left records detailed enough that I won't have to start from scratch?"

"Our crew being new to the station I would only be guessing as to the status of their files commander. Another reason I rejoice in your arrival."

Dhindara let out a small giggle. "Hope you'll still say so once I've started picking your mind apart."

"Slim pickings there Commander, The last two weeks have kept me here on a constant rotation. I'm very fortunate to have a skilled crew to run this station. I shall fight to keep the remaining brain cells I have functioning."

"I'll help as much as I can", Dhindara replied, the humour obvious in her eyes. "What else, other than looking after the hearts and minds of the crew, do you expect me to do?" This was always the most tricky part of a new assignment. Some commanders wanted the counsellor out of their way, others liked to involve them in diplomatic meetings or in a general advisory role. She suspected she'd be working with intelligence, too.

"Your duties here on Typhon will be very open. I hope you are prepared to wear many hats here Commander. Your skills are highly valued here I assure you. I hope you don't get tired of my calls for your assistance."

"No, not at all", Dhindara replied. "In fact, I enjoy a variety of tasks. Not everyone wants counselling and it's refreshing to be doing something else every now and then. I'm definitely going to offer my services to your intelligence chief, I have some experience in the field. I'm also a historian and anthropologist, so you can use me for cultural sensitivity issues."

"Yes your experience will be put to good use here. Have you met our Intel chief?"

"Not yet", Dhindara replied. "I came straight up here from the shuttle hangar. Only got my stuff beamed into my new quarters. I was planning on making the rounds, XO next, then intel, then sickbay."

"Good, I would suggest the security Chief also, I've talked with him and his plans for security are on target. He will get results with the masses here, you will be able to tell us how effective they are."

Dhindara nodded. "I'm planning on getting to every member of the senior staff before the end of alpha shift."

"I salute your stamina Commander."

Dhindara chuckled. "Don't you think that's a little forward of you, Sir?"

"I have several forward speeds Commander Vrel, I try to keep my backwards speeds tuned up as well. Your job is to tell me how I'm doing, I need you to be comfortable with that. I'm close to my senior officers, we shall get along splendidly."

She smirked. He had taken it well. So she could take some liberties around him. She liked that. "Yes, I get that feeling, Sir."

"You shall discover the Senior staff here are very close. I foresee them working as a very effective team in all matters."

"I'll try to fit in", Dhindara replied. "Thanks to my telepathy, I can blend in pretty well. I can adapt to what people want of me. And I don't mind it, so long as those under my command will adapt to what I want of them."

"Of course. You'll do fine I'm sure."

"Do you have orders for me, Sir?" Dhindara asked.

"After you get your introductions complete and you get settled I would dig into the crew."

Dhindara nodded. "Aye, Sir", she said. "Permission to be excused?"

"Granted commander, if you need anything let me know."

Dhindara left, heading out towards the turbolift.

=/\\= End of Transmission =/\\=

Captain Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Commander Dhindara Vrel


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