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[Columbia] Final Plans

Posted on Fri Dec 14th, 2012 @ 7:12pm by Miral Annhwi & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
Edited on on Wed Dec 19th, 2012 @ 5:08pm

978 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: The Enemy Within: Typhon is Missing!
Location: The Caves of Tiberius IV


Miral, Ronnie and Maria both heard and felt the explosion as they entered the large cavern. The sound of fighting had them pulling their weapons, but Deter and Pyotr were faster. The five of them took up defensive positions and waited to help their comrades if needed.

It was too dark to go running down the tunnel and they risked being shot if they did.

In moments, the fighting ceased and they waited to see the victors.

"Anyone else have a bad feeling about this." Doc said

"I have a bad feeling about this entire situation," Miral replied. "But we don't have much choice in the matter."

Wilhelm came out of the darkness "Well that was not fun..." He said and seen the rest of the group come up behind him.

Kara was slow to follow. She wanted to go back and look for Cam, but not while there were still so many Borg. They'd taken care of the ones that were left, but Cam was on the other side of the cave-in.

Ronnie looked at Wilhelm. "What happened?" she asked quietly.

"We walked into an ambush. We had to set off a large piece of demolition to help us get out of there or else we all would've been dead or worse." Wilhelm said.

Miral succinctly told the others what they'd discovered. "We need to send a small team in and set the explosives."

An idea began to form in Kara's mind. She walked over to Ronnie and quietly asked, "Is there an opening from the main cavern to the back end of the the other tunnel? The one where we fought the Borg?"

Ronnie thought for a moment. "Yes. In the back there was another tunnel into a side cavern. We didn't go in there as we found what we were looking for in the main cavern. Why?"

"I'm not sure. Thinking," Kara replied. She slipped back to the Marines while she let her idea develop in her mind.

Amarylis knew exactly what she was thinking but she avoided saying it outright. Kara had been looking back at the fallen debris constantly, she wanted to be on the other side.

"Send as few as you can. One or two can go unnoticed. Four or more draws unwanted attention," Miral informed Wilhelm.

Hearing this, Sargeant Hernandes, The Combat Engineer from Cam's squad stepped forward, "I'm all for going back and recovering the Boss for a nice burial, but are you willing to risk your life to go back and get him? He's already buried in all that rubble" he said, motioning back down the tunnel they'd just come from

"We don't know that," Kara said, turning to Hernandes. "If there are only one or two of us, there's a chance we can get past the Borg unnoticed."

"Sargeant if there is one thing I know from doing this for so long, you NEVER believe something until you lay eyes on it. I've heard too many times about a man left behind because someone assumed they were dead, well they just make us all look stupid. Warrant Bourne is still alive in my books until I have something to show me otherwise. If I don't see a body part, then he's still here, we just gotta dig him out." Amarylis piped in not even wanting to consider abandoning the downed Warrant Officer.

"So, it'll be on a volunteer basis," Kara said. "Not everyone can plant the explosives. If too many go in, the Borg will attack, so most of us have to sit and wait. We might as well do something useful."

"Well ma'am I hope you know how to plant those things, because I sure don't." she replied looking to the combat engineer knowing she may be required to fulfill the task willing or not.

"Well, good luck to both of you, because I'm staying right here"

"Sargeant I don't know what Corps you come from, but in mine we don't leave our men behind." Amarylis growled.

"Come on, what chance is there that he's still in one piece. Be reasonable, don't throw your life away for one man. We need to head back to the ship and get back up"

Wilhelm stepped in, "We'll be going back to destroy that Borg base and stop this from happening again. If those remaining Borg get off this planet they'll spread to the colonists on Tiberius V, then the rest of this sector. If we find Warrant Officer Bourne its a bonus but not the main reason for going back. Those Borg need to be rooted out of here. I know demolition work, I'll be going with the group back in."

Kara nodded and stepped to the back. She'd already made her mind up. She glanced at Amarylis. She could use backup. Once the others went to plant the explosives, she'd make her move.

"I'll stay behind. I don't work much with explosives," Ronnie said.

Maria nodded. "Me, either. I don't think explosions in the lab count." She would rather stay behind, anyway. This wasn't something she wanted to deal with.

"I will go with you," Miral said. "I can handle your explosives, and I've been in there twice already."

Amarylis just stood still and remained silent.

Miral grabbed a sling and loaded it with explosive packs. Then she grabbed a pistol, not wanting the bulk of a rifle, and put it on her belt clip. "Hernandes, Bauer, your presence is required."

She turned to von Hackleberg. "Shall we?"


Miral Annhwi
Romulan Ambassador
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant JG Ronnie Lancaster
Assistant Chief Science Officer
USS Calypso

Ensign Maria Delgado
Science Officer
USS Calypso

Petty Officer 1st Class Samuel "Doc" Renfroe
USS Calypso

Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
Marine CO
Starbase Typhon

Sergeant Amearylis Beckinsale
USS Calypso

Staff Sergeant Andre Hernandes
Marine Combat Engineer
USS Calypso


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