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[Typhon] Reviewing the Situation (part 1)

Posted on Tue Dec 18th, 2012 @ 3:29pm by Commander Raven Adams & Khiy Tal'ehrihn
Edited on on Tue Dec 18th, 2012 @ 3:33pm

1,197 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: The Enemy Within: Typhon is Missing!
Location: Raven's Quarters


After a day following Williamson through the computer and various systems of the Starbase, Raven was ready to relax with Khiy over dinner.

She'd long ago changed into casual clothes, preferring to work from her room where she had more of her own personal programs available. She needed them, too, to keep a close eye on Williamson. He was good, but he was cocky. And most of his experience was on official databases and computer systems.

As hers were part inspiration and part desperation, she and her friends had found ways around and through things that bypassed most of the main systems. This experience, fortunately, also kept the new Intel officer from finding out anything about Raven that wasn't in the public records. Morticia was a well-concealed persona that none but her closest friends knew of. Khiy being one of them.

"Computer, play Rachmaninoff." she said, sitting down on her couch to wait for Khiy. The music helped drown out the silence caused by Skylar's absence.

Khiy arrived a couple of minutes early for diner holding, somewhat typically, a bottle of Romulan ale. He knew that others found him predictable in this way, but it was important that they think him a creature of habit. Admittedly, it was a calculated ploy.

~Can't ever turn off~ He thought on the matter.

Arriving at his old friends quarters, his hand was about to hit the chime when a smile crossed his lips. Pulling his hand back, he stood in front of the door. ~Ding dong, Raven~ He thought "loudly".

Raven turned to the door, a large smile crossing her face. "Open door." She stood and turned to face Khiy.

~Come in,~ she thought back, projecting the words into Khiy's mind. "Ale, the perfect drink for the evening."

She had dinner on the table and two computers set up in her office for them to "fix" his new ships. She put the ale in a bucket of ice and turned. "How are you adjusting to not being in contact with your company?"

"Probably as well as you are being cut of from Fleet intel." He shook his head as he took a seat in one of the couches. He crossed his legs and smoothed out the sleeve of his shirt. "Not that good." He conceded. "I can only hope that our other office has picked up on it and is adjusting. That would be the best case scenario."

"You've got a good company with good people. I'm sure they'll take care of things for you." She'd watched him build his company for years. He had a knack for picking the right people and taking the right risks. She had no doubt he'd turn this whole situation into profit. "I plan on gathering a lot of Intel while I'm here. I might as well make the most of the situation."

"You are strangely positive for a person that has been many light years from everything she has known?"

"It reminds me of the days we worked together. WHen we never knew what would happen on the next run, if the government would decide to confiscate our cargo or arrest us for no good reason. I think I'm enjoying the adventure. Crazy, I know. Maybe if we're still here in a few months I'll think differently." She shrugged. "Maybe I just need to spent a little time with Morticia."

"So you've decided to re-introduce her after all." He nodded. "No faith in your Starfleet counterparts to find anything?"

"It's more a matter of how long do I want to wait? The Hawthorne is set up for this type of operation. It's got the best scanners and sensors, the best shielding -- well, for a ship its size, anyway. It is able to get in and out of places without being seen. Isn't that what we need here? Someone or something pulled us from our home near the Tiberius System to where we are now. It's reasonable to suspect there's something more out here. I for one don't want some inexperienced pilot to stumble onto it. Plus I have the added advantage of Intel equipment to find what may not be otherwise seen."

Khiy raised his hands."Just let the record show that I have concerns about you doing this. I sure hope you will cover your tracks." He knew he didn't have to say it, Morticia was one of the best when it came to disappearing.

"I know. If the Typhon shuttles were more successful, I might keep her where she is, but..." She looked at Khiy and shook her head. "I'm getting frustrated and antsy."

She nodded to the table. "Shall we eat and then work on your problem? Maybe after that one of us will come up with a better idea for how to deal with the situation at hand."

"Indeed." He stood from the sofa and moved his way over to the table. After sitting down he took the cloth serviette and draped it over his legs. "What have we this evening?"

"Terran. Roasted chicken, potatoes in a cream sauce, spring vegetables and rolls. Since we were stuck out here I felt like something that would remind me of the Federation." She served them both, then poured them each a glass of Romulan Ale. "At least out here you can't say this stuff is illegal."

Khiy smiled. He lifted his fingers and made a pinching motion. "I am this close to doing something illegal just for the sake of that argument." He laughed

Raven laughed. "Just don't make it too big. I'd hate to have you left behind when we get back home."

"I can behave here." He promised. "Actually, it's when we get home that you might have to worry." He added.

"Oh?" she asked, her fork stopping mid-bite. "And why is that?"

"It has to do with that little project we made a deal over." He speared some chicken with his fork. "The prefix code?"

She waved her hand in the air dismissively. "Oh, that. I see it as more of a challenge. See if we can change the codes so thta no one will suspect that the ship is anything but what we say it is." She grinned impishly. "Yeah, I think Morticia needs to stretch her legs a bit. She's been cooped up for too long."

"Your call." He took another bite of the meal. "Please tell me your decision to do this isn't because of..." The name didn't need mentioning.

"No. That's an entirely separate issue. For that I'm keeping busy. If I don't have time to think, I don't have time to notice how silent it is." She took a bite of food and chewed thoughtfully for a moment, the swallowed. "I get the feeling that something is wrong. Not just Typhon being sucked through some sort of wormhole wrong, but that there's something wrong with ... him. I can't put a finger on what it is. I just know that when we get back, it'll be broken."

(To be continued...)

Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer
Starbase Typhon

Khiy Tal'ehrihn
Trans Galactic Trading


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