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[Tiberius] Discordant Ensenble (part 1)

Posted on Fri Feb 1st, 2013 @ 8:15am by Miral Annhwi & Alvar Walder
Edited on on Fri Feb 1st, 2013 @ 8:27am

1,218 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: The Enemy Within: Typhon is Missing!


Bennett closed his eyes as the shuttle entered the atmosphere. That first bump against air was always the worst, even though he knew it was perfectly safe. It also served to calm his mind in preparation for what was coming.

'Tell me again about Damron Group,' he turned to Sam.

"Morgan Damron, the current head of the Damron Group is also the leader of a popular cult that focuses on getting back to nature. She married Damron, who was quite elderly, and took over the running of the business when he got ill. At his death she inherited everything. She's a bit of a diva and like to throw her weight around. It's mostly bluster and most people just smile politely and ignore her outside of business. She has a shrewd mind. The Damron Group has grown under her care, which is why most people put up with her," she said.

Pulling out a PADD he consulted it for a moment, 'and their political interests? Or are they merely pragmatists?' Bennett was running through each of the groupings and the information they had on them before their meeting. It never hurt to be over-prepared.

"From what I know, Morgan Damron is interested in what will benefit her and her company."

The shuttle hit a pocket of air, and Bennett blanched, gripping the arm of his chair. 'Makes sense. I guess that's how they've grown so successful,' noted Bennett dryly.

Sam squeezed his hand in support and comfort. She didn't mind the turbulence, but then, she also liked roller coasters. "Indeed. Just be polite to her and you should be fine. I'm curious to learn more about the warring factions. Why now, after so many years of peaceful co-existence?"

"Sorry about the turbulence, Captain," called Felix from the cockpit. "Coz, see if you can lock that down." The long-haired lieutenant sat at the navigations console while Italian-born Petty Officer Mangia was in the pilot's chair, for the same reason Felix was letting all of his department do his favourite part of his job for him; good academy graduates, but green as a newborn tree.

"If I may, Commodore, Commander," he started. Felix had a deep-rooted distrust of any power base that had taken hold so rapidly and subversively. The same kind of movement had cost him his people. "I think the question we should be asking ourselves is 'What does Morgan Damron stand to gain from a civil war?'"

'It's a logical question,' noted Bennett, looking to Cheten. 'They did stand by and do nothing while everything fell apart.'

"There are many reasons for starting a civil war. However, as time passes the actual reason fades and new reasons arises to make such a civil disobedience acceptable. I'm curious of not the why Commodore, but the who? Is Damron the puppet master or she just a puppet to another master?" Uhlan Tan'Ru spoke while thinking. However, what she did not say is how is the Prime Directive is going to lead on any decisions that will be made. And, most of all, can this rebellion be something that her own people would be interested in.

Though the Romulan spoke whilst Bennett had arguably addressed her Lestari took no issue - a spontaneous response was often welcome thus she waited. "It is true that who is a question worth investigating in this situation, sometimes the answer can lead to the why. But to answer your question, Commodore, it has long been beneficial to a person, group or power who wishes to annex a territory, be it an apartment block, a country, or a planet to sow unrest, then wait while the crop grows, then rather than reap it, to allow the well meaning to step in and hack and hew at the stems of growth. The faction that comes next, with a strong vision, a seemingly true promise is then presented as a panacea to the devasted populace," Lestari said, trying to keep her descriptive metaphors on a 'human' level.

She drew a slow breath then continued, "In short, the first regime that comes to power after revolutionary unrest is typically replaced quickly by a new regime, either as a natural development or a coup, and is one that the people believe, or are persuaded to believe they want. That is,rather than step into the midst of chaos and attempt to impose order the Damron Group allowed order to re-establish itself. Now they are in a position to step in with a new, stronger order that will be welcomed. I think, Uhlan Tan'Ru the technique is not unknown to you. It has been used often when the Stelam Shiar wishes to expand its colonies into worlds that they wish to keep intact and 'welcome' as members, rather than simply cow and conquer."

Tan'Ru glanced at the Lt. and smiled ... "Certain it is and sure: love burns, ale burns, fire burns, politics burns. But cold were life without them."

Miral Annhwi sat quietly in the back of the shuttle, listening to the conversation. She liked to observe people. It gave her a much better understanding of whom she had to deal with. She felt particularly at a loss as she'd just arrived from the USS Calypso and was still figuring out what was going on and who the power players were.

Sam said nothing, although she doubted Morgan Damron had any part in the civil unrest. From all she'd read of the woman it wasn't in her makeup. She was far more likely to cozen up to the rulers than try to overthrow them.

He could read from Sam that she had something to say, so Bennett raised his eyes and prompted her with a 'Commander York? You're quiet ... ' She had after all done most of the prep work on the Damron Group in the short time allowed.

"Damron is not the type to start a revolution. She came to Tiberius V looking for a peaceful place to settle down and form a colony. Revolution is anathema to that. So I believe our best bet is to look elsewhere for the cause." She spoke quietly, preferring to search out the facts when they got to the planet than point fingers.

'We should keep our minds open to all possibilities at this point,' Bennett agreed, looking about at each of the officers.

"Indeed." Lestari happened to agree with him on keeping open minds, but that did not mean that debate and speculation needed to be put aside whilst they were in transit - that time would be over quite soon enough. "Perhaps then, as suggested by Uhlan Tan'Ru we should begin to consider the who. If we accept the supposition that Damron is not the mastermind of the unrest, could there be a figure in the background guiding her actions and choices?" Lestari looked at York as she posed this question, the Commander seemed to possess the widest knowledge on the dynamics of the situation.

To Be Continued ...

Captain Curzon Bennett
Commanding Officer
USS Jefferson

Commander Samantha York
Executive Officer
USS Jefferson

Lieutenant Felix Page
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Jefferson

Tan'Ru Hrienteh
Temporal Scientist
USS Jefferson

Miral Tal'Aura Annhwi
Romulan Ambassador
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant Lestari Cheten
Chief Diplomatic Officer
USS Jefferson


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