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[Columbia] Reflections (part 3)

Posted on Wed Jan 23rd, 2013 @ 12:37pm by Commander Raven Adams & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
Edited on on Wed Jan 23rd, 2013 @ 12:47pm

1,086 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: The Enemy Within: Typhon is Missing!



Lieutenant JG Benge stepped inside and nodded. "Ma'am, Lieutenant Benge reporting. And thanks for the pick up off that dust ball." Stepping forward he laid his padd gently on the desk after pulling it out of his right pocket. "I'll be part of your Intelligence Division unless you need me else where. And I share my condolences over your Marine Commander."


"Thank you, Lieutenant. I'm afraid your Chief is currently spending time in the brig. If all goes well he'll be out shortly. That should give you a little time to get settled in and meet the rest of Intel."

Shade nodded at the news of his Chief being in the brig. "Hope I don't have a babysitting duty on here," he said smiling. "Not that I care either way. I do have a question," he said pulling another padd. "You lost a Major Mangalia during this Borg fiasco. Care to explain why theres another such man currently attending the Citadel with the same service number? Except he seems to be five years younger?"

Sam took the PADD from Shade and looked at it. "I can think of only one reason there'd be another Leo; but I have no idea why he'd be five years younger." She wondered if the other Leo was from this universe, just like there was another Sam. She looked back up at Shade. "But that information is classified. I don't think you have the clearance. Sorry, Lieutenant."

Anthony nodded, knowing the fact all to well. "I gathered it was above my pay grade Commodore. I was just wondering from a logistical viewpoint. But onto pressing matters. What do you need me to do with the Chief cooling their heels in the brig?"

"Meet the members of your department, get familiar with the ship, get settled," Sam said. "I honestly don't know how long he'll be in the brig, or when Intel will be needed next. So, play it by ear."

Tallas looked over from her Intel console and cleared her throat. She wasn't aware their would be someone coming in as Assistant to Chief. She did her best to clam herself but couldn't hold it back. She locked her console and stood up, storming to where the Commodore and new Lieutenant JG was. "Captain... Umm.. Ma'am." Her strong and stern voice slowly faded as she put her hands in front of her and cleared her throat nervously. "Captain York? I'm sorry.. I couldn't help but overhear, but I thought Lieutenant Wolfe placed me as his assistant? Did I do something wrong, Ma'am?"

Sam went over to the Ensign and put a hand on her shoulder. "You did nothing wrong and you're not being replaced. You're still Wolfe's assistant. He now has two assistants. You and Lieutenant Benge will need to work together for now."

Tallas looked over to Shade. She narrowed her eyes and looked at him up and down before speaking again. "Just stay away from my stuff, off my console, and away from my Caf-Pow and we will be just fine, Lieutenant. Umm.. Sir." She cleared her throat and then walked away with a smile. "That showed him." She mumbled, almost disappointed with herself.

Sam turned back to Shade. "And that is the other assistant. She's quite good at her job, if a little high-strung. Now, get settled, you'll have plenty of time to figure out who does what later."


Alexandra stood by her window gazing at the stars as they passed by. With each moment passed she was reminded of the many faces she had sent to death or assimilation. Her profession trained her to remove all emotion, to kill methodically with remorse, in essence to lose a part of her humanity. Initiative, awareness, practice, discipline and diligence were the qualities that would keep her and those under her alive. No mistake went unpunished, her training officer once told her that intelligence did not only require officers to rise above the rest, but that they had to be perfect, or they would end up dead.

She had made a fatal error in judgement, and over fifty innocent officers paid for it. It had been three years since Amarylis Beckinsale and her team had rescued her from Cardassia. For each day following the Cardassians had still found a way to torture her, to manipulate her and to take from her that which she held dear. Now they had manifested themselves in the face of the Borg, soulless, calculating, destructive. As lethal as Alexandra was the Cardassian's mind games escalated, their influence was growing stronger.

It would only be a matter of time before the hate finally consumed her....

they would come to fear that day and her name.


Maria felt a little odd and out of place after being on the desert planet. She wasn't even sure why. She wandered around the science department for a while. Then, not finding what she was looking for, headed for the holodeck. Maybe if she spent some time in the mountains of her home she could relax and find some peace.


Wilhelm was in his guest quarters waiting for the transfer to the Jefferson and Tiberius V. Thinking about the past few days he just shook his head. "What a terrible waste." he muttered. He also felt sorry for that officer he sent to the Brig. He seemed like such a promising officer at first.

He decided to fire up the COMM system. "Starbase Typhon. Jane Atwood please." He told the computer. A talk with the girlfriend would be just what he needs. Though the first few minutes will be a chewing out he knew because of what happened . Waiting several seconds the connection failed. "Computer. Try again." he ordered. Waiting some more the connection failed. and the computer said: "Starbase Typhon unable to be contacted.

Hitting the COMM pad, "Athena Shipyards, Marine Lieutenant Kalvin Reynold." Within seconds the young man showed up on the screen. "Colonel! Sir. Glad to see your alright. How can I help you?" Wilhelm responded. "Why can't I reach Typhon Lieutenant?" Kalvin stuttered and said. "Umm sir. Ummm Starbase Typhon is missing...."


Commodore Samantha York
Commanding Officer
USS Calypso

Commander Alexandra Vance
Executive Officer
USS Calypso

Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
Marine CO
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant JG Anthony "Shade" Benge
Assistant Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Calypso

Lieutenant JG Ronnie Lancaster
Assistant Chief Science Officer
USS Calypso

Maria Delgado
Science Officer
USS Calypso

Ensign Tallas Shirol
Assistant Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Calypso


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