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A Nanite Vaccine

Posted on Sun Jun 16th, 2013 @ 3:43am by Lieutenant Donovan (Donnie) Peterson [Lane] & Senior Chief Petty Officer Kyle Peterson [Lane]

659 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: The Enemy Within: Typhon is Missing!
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Between parts 3 and 4 of "A Dawning Realization"


Donnie returned from his quest to get nanites but not be infected shaken but successful. In his left hand, held as far away from his body as he could manage, dangled a plastic bag containing the pinky finger of a deceased crewman that had been infected. "I've got it." He said to the empty sickbay, trying not to grimace as he set the bag on the scanner.

After scanning it, he found that the nanites had infected the blood, which wasn't surprising in itself. He managed to lock the medical transporter onto one of the nanites, and beamed it into a sealed container, then repeated that process with three others.

He picked up the container, and held it at eye level, making out what looked like a speck of dust, but was actually all four nanites, stuck to each other in the bottom. "Let's see what kitchen patrol makes of you." He pressed his comm badge, thinking it was worth a try. Surprisingly enough, it beeped on. "Donnie to kitchen patrol."

"What is it?" Kyle replied, obviously irritated. "I'm pretty much the only one left, and I just got comms back up. I have a dozen other things that need fixed, if you wouldn't mind not goofing off for once." It wasn't something that Kyle usually minded. In fact most of the time, the use of his kid nickname by his older brother made him smile. But now? With all the stress of a pretty much overrun-with-borg station, he was not in the mood.

"I've got some nanites here. They have your name on them if you can figure out a way to stop them. Come to sickbay and we'll see what you can make of them."

"Finally some good news." Kyle sighed with relief. "I'll be down shortly, the corridors are not... friendly at the moment. It's to the tubes with me. Kyle out." Kyle pulled himself forward in the jeffrey's tube as fast as he could. Several minutes later there was a knock in the back of sickbay.

Donnie pulled the cover off of the tube entrance, and took Kyle's arm, pulling him out. "You look like you've been having fun. I'm on a mission to see if there's a way to stop these." He passed over the container with its nanites inside. "They spread through people like a disease, but it isn't airborne. Yet. I was wondering if perhaps there's a low level of radiation or some sort of signal that might work to block them?"

"Hmm..." Kyle tipped the container on its side, then back up. The nanites were stuck to the bottom. "Let's see what we can cook up with one of those medical scanners." Kyle's smile was downright demonic, and echoed on the face of his brother as the two got to work trying to screw up their little nanite collection.


About a half hour later, the two found their ah-ha moment.

"Well, what would you know. A subspace signal sent at the correct frequency disables the nanites." Kyle said, having just found that the right interference from his signal had cause the nanites to pop. "This is considered success correct? Since the signal would be easy to transmit all over the station, now that comms are back up, only the converted borg would be able to resist. Who knows, it might slow them down for a while too, if they're using the same frequency for communication."

"Agreed. It is definetly a success. Good job, I never would have thought of that." Donnie said, resisting the urge to jump with joy at their victory. "Now, let's see if there's anyone on the bridge who wants to put this little trick to use. May as well get the biggest effect off it after all, we're only going to have one shot at pausing the converts."


Lieutenant Donovan (Donnie) Peterson
Medical officer/Surgeon
Starbase Typhon

SCPO Kyle Peterson
Damage Control Specialist
Starbase Typhon


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Comments (1)

By Commander Raven Adams on Tue Jun 18th, 2013 @ 12:12pm

You could use a signal to block input to the nanites, but they wouldn't pop. They would temporarily go inert. You'd have to reprogram them to get them to no longer function. Or to alter their function.
You're better off cutting off the Borg from their Queen and her commands. (As those who have taken over the ship ARE Borg.)